16 : Her?

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2 Weeks Later

| Lauren | 2:32 pm | Park |

Jayda crushed my heart when she went to Jayden but that's not the first time she broke my heart. I really loved that girl and the fact that she couldn't even say "I love you too" to me , hurt me more then anything.

But that's okay , because I have somebody healing with me.

I waited until I saw her coming in. She looked beautiful to be honest. She walked over to me and I stood up and smiled. She smiled back and stood on her tippy toes and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her back , deepening the kiss.

Soon we pulled back and I pecked her lips.

We sat on the bench and watching the kids and adults play and talk.

Her: Hi baby.

Me: Hey love. How's your day so far?

Her: It's been okay. Classes here and there , other than that , it's fine. Yours?

Me: Boring. I had nothing to do. I was in the hotel room with Karlie all day , I had to get out.

She giggled like a schoolgirl and I found that extremely adorable.

Her: Awe c'mon. Is she that bad?

Me: Karlie isn't. Jayda is.

Her: Jayda's there?

I shook my head no.

Me: No of course not , she's still living at her old place with her sister.

Her: Oh. Then what's the problem.

Me: I just bored down here , there's nothing to do. I'm thinking about flying back and doing some more shoots. At least up there I'll have something to do rather than sit around all day , doing nothing.

She pouted. She knew she's the only reason why I haven't flew back yet. She's keeping me here like I'm on a rope.

Her: No no please , don't go baby.

Me: But there's nothing to do here. I have been here for a few weeks and have not a single exciting thing.

She smiled and took my hand.

Her: Then lemme show you a good time and I'm not talking about with sex , even though you can't deny , my sex is amazing.

I laughed and smiled at her.

Me: Well , your sex is amazing to be real and where are we gonna go?

Her: I'm gonna show you the city. Something Jayda should've done a while back.

Me: Really , you'd do that?

She nodded.

Her: Yep. I have to get back to school now , but be ready by 6:00.

Me: Okay. I'll walk you to your car.

She giggled and smiled.

Her: Okay.

We got up and she cuddled into my side and we walked to her car. I kissed my top of her head as we got to her car.

Me: I'll see you later.

Her: Okay. I love you.

We both know the I Love You's weren't real in this part of the relationship , or at least I know it isn't real , but what growing up with a childhood like mine that consisted of rape , child abuse and being picked on , you want and need to hear those words coming from somebody special to you. And damn , this girl is special to me and have been for the years that I've known her.

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