15 : Dismissed

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| Rosa | Monday | 2:35 pm |

We were at the hospital going to visit my sister. We already gotten the name tag things and were about to walk in the room.

I opened the door and walked in. I smelled awkwardness. Lauren , Karlie , Jayden and Jayda was all in there.

Me: This is weird.

Jayda: Ven aqui.

Me: I'm not kissing you but I'll come over.

I laughed and hugged her , taking a chicken nugget from her Chik-Fil-A box.

The door opened and the nurse came in.

Nurse: Wow. Alot of people.

She looked at Jayda.

Nurse: There you are. Well , your free to go home. Take it easy.

Jayda: I'm free to eat anything I want right?

Nurse: Looks like you already are.

They laughed and the nurse walked out after telling us to have a good day and taking the IV out of her arm and putting a band-aid on it.

Jayda: I'm gonna need clothes , yall.

Ariyanah: Oh right. Here.

Jayda: How'd you know to bring me some clothes?

Kayla: Well we know you wouldn't wanna be in a hospital gown forever so Ariyanah got you some clothes for your house.

Jayda: What would I do without yall.

Kayla: Who knows.

She climbed over Jayden and went into the bathroom.

Jayden: She could've easily went around.

Lauren mumbled something.

Me: Speak up pendejo.

Jayda spoke from the bathroom.

Jayda: Rosalia!

Rosa: Lo siento! ( I'm sorry )

Jayden: Bueno. ( Okay )

I sat beside Jayden on the bed and began playing a game as we waited on Jayda.

Kayla: Lauren , are you good for my cousin?

Lauren: She's your cousin?

Kayla: Didn't she tell you?

Lauren: I don't think so.

Jayda spoke from the bathroom.

Jayda: Yes I did!

Lauren: I don't remember that.

Jayda: That's because you don't listen to me half of the time. You be talking or something.

Kayla: She show you respect?

Jayda: Semi.

Kayla: Why yall together? Y'all ain't right for each other. That's like Ava and Jayden , just without the poison of course.

Jayda: I'm still gone beat that bitch.

She came out the bathroom wearing Leggings , A White Long Sleeve and White Sandals. She grabbed a huge bear and a balloon.

Me: Where'd the bear come from?

Jayda: Jayden.

Ariyanah: It's so cute.

Jayda: Right.

She grabbed her phone and tried to walk out the door but only ran into it making me laugh.

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