18: Ava's Plan

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Ava \ 2:12 pm \ Wednesday

I wanted revenge. Not only for me , but for Lauren too.

Yes I said Lauren. Lauren and I became close over the time that she was here with Jayda and Rosalia. Jayda didn't deserve Lauren. Lauren is too good for Jayda. Jayda doesn't deserve Jayden , Jayden is too good for Jayda and Jayda doesn't deserve Rosalia.

I got out of my car and locked the doors while heading into McDonald's. I walked in and found the guys I was looking for. I sat infront of them and ate a fry.

Me: Well first of all , are you sure yall can do this cause I don't have time for yall to get there and don't want to do it.

They looked at each other and nodded.

J: Yeah , we're sure.

E: What if her sister is there?

Me: She won't be. She's away for a few days. Only Jayda will be there. 

J: Okay then , that's good. 

E: How will this go down?

Me: Well obviously at night time. Around 8:00 to 8:30. Go in and do it okay? 

J: First we need the money.

Me: No first your going to do it and if you do it right you get paid do it wrong and I'll kill you both.

E leaned up and grabbed my shirt and pulled me towards his face. I'll admit , I was a bit scared. E is buff as hell.

E: You will give us our money right here and right now or we will do it to you right here and right now.

I looked in his eyes to try and find the bluff but there wasn't any. E was serious as hell.

I nodded and whispered "okay". He released me and I opened my purse and got out the envelopes that held 10,000 dollars in each. I gave it to them.

Me: Here.

They counted it and nodded.

J: There will be no fuck ups and we'll report back to you once we're finished.

They got up and walked off , leaving me with their trash and my untouched food.

Cameron | 4:58 pm |

I was with Anna walking around the mall. She was a shy pretty young thing but I'm pretty sure I could break her from her shell.

Me: Why you so quiet babygirl?

She looked at me and shrugged while trying not to smile.

Me: Ooh , you tryna hid a smile. Is it the fact that I called you babygirl?

She pressed her lips together and looked away , making me laugh and sling one of my arms around her thick body as the other one gently turned her face towards me.

Me: Nahh don't hide that smile from me babygirl.

I laughed as she tried to turn her face again.

Me: It aint going no where.

She playfully smacked her hand away from her face and pouted.

Anna: I want a piggy back ride.

I shrugged.

Me: Hop on.

Anna: You probably couldn't carry me.

Me: The lies. You thick , not fat. Now c'mon babygirl. Jump.

She jumped on my back and I easily caught her.

Me: See. Told ya. Now where to?

She laid her chin on my shoulder.

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