20 : Oh God

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Jayden | 4:03 pm | Wednesday

I was currently at my dad's house as he had a cookout , I would've taken Jayda but I knew she was tired and plus she had things to do today and Skylar was in class and Kayla was at the studio.

So here I was sitting on the back porch with my cousins Marco , Alanzo and Alejandro. 

Marco: Alejandro aint shit yall.

We laughed as Alejandro got up with his fist clenched and walked towards his brother , Marco.

Ever since I got here , Marco and Alejandro been going at each others throats like there was no tomorrow. Marco and his big ass mouth would say something and Alejandro would punch him somewhere.

Alanzo: Yo , whose that with T?

I looked to where he pointed and my smile faded as I saw my stepsister walking in with Amelia (Uh-Mee-Lee-Uh).

And yes , I have a stepsister. Her names Teal and she's 20 but acts like shes 10 sometimes. 

Teal joined my family when my dad married her mom , who is Keesha.

( AN : If you don't remember Keesha , go back to the first book and to chapter 47 . )

Me: That's Amelia. Someone who I used to fuck heavy with.

Amelia and I have a past that's complicated , for sure I loved her , but I don't know how I did. I don't know if I loved her as a friend or as a girlfriend , all I know was I loved her , but not even as close to how much I love Jayda.

Alanzo: Think I can turn her straight?

Me: I dunno. Maybe.

I mentally cussed Teal out as she walked over here with Amelia.

Teal: Jay!

Alejandro and Marco laughed as she wrapped her petite arms around my neck and gently squeezed. I flipped them off before returning her breath taking hug. Literally , she's squeezing me so tight she's cutting off my airways.

You see what I meant when I said she sometimes acts like a 10 year old?

We released and she squeezed Alejandro , Marco and Alanzo then grabbed Amelia's hand and pulled her towards us.

Teal: Guys , this is Amelia , my best friend. Amelia , this is my step cousins Alejandro , Marco and Alanzo while this bean bag is my step sister Jayden.

She shyly waved at them and faced me. We held eye contact for a few seconds before I heard the music stop and my aunt start talking.

Aunt Liz: Jayden? Where are you!?

I waved my arms around in the air like a mad man and she directed her attention to me , as well did everybody else.

Aunt Liz: Well your phone was in the kitchen and began ringing. It had the name Princess with a few emojis. I let it go to voicemail but they kept calling so I answered it after hearing the same song after like 10 times and heard a kid crying , I-

Me: What kid?

Aunt Liz: She said her name was Rosa.

Me: Did you ask her why she was crying?

Aunt Liz nodded her head , making her silky black hair move with her.

Aunt Liz: She said something happened to Jayda and she shot somebody and Jayda's in the hospital. It's worse than last time.

I was off that porch so fast I nearly tripped. I grabbed my phone from Aunt Liz and ran out to my car. I got in and sped off to the hospital.

| Rosa | Before she called Jayden 

I had to get home to get some more clothes then I'd be leaving again.

Keri: You want me to stay and help?

I saw the apartment come into view and shook my head.

Me: Nah , I got it.

Keri: Alright.

I got out and went to the back door since I know if I would go through the front then I'd have to run all the way to the kitchen to cut off the alarm and we only have 7 seconds to do that. 

I just ate so I'm fat now and can't run as fast.

I unlocked the door with my key and went in. I heard some type of noise and knew Jayda wasn't supposed to be back from getting her dress until a few hours. I quietly opened the cabinet and grabbed the Colt M1911 and took the safety off. I quietly walked towards the sound and saw two guys surrounding my naked sister. I fired one shot and hit one right in the back of the head , killing him instantly. 

The other guy , the one who had his filthy ass dick inside of my unconscious sister pulled out and I shot him in the knee caps , making sure he can't go anywhere.

Me: What did you do to her!?

He didn't answer , he just continued to cry and clutch his bleeding kneecaps.

I grabbed my phone and called 911.

Operator: 911 , what's your address?

I gave her the address and she sent out an ambulance. I wanted this guy to suffer , so I walked over to him and pressed the gun against his temple. 

Me: Get up.

Man: I can't.


He got up slowly and I shoved him towards basement. I opened the door and pushed him , making him fall down the stairs.

Me: You finna suffer.

I closed and locked the door back and hid the gun. I sat beside Jayda and called Jayden.

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Chapter 20

Really short , I know . Another chapter may be up tomorrow .

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