Chapter 65

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Bad Boy Next Door// Matthew Espinosa

Chapter 65:


It's been about 3 days since what happened with Matt and Erin. I've missed 2 days of school and now it's Sunday. I haven't spoken to him or the others since then. I've been in my room watching One Tree Hill. Cause why the fuck not?

Anyways the only person I spoke to about what happened is Lexi and she wants to rip Matts dick off. I'm not blaming her.

I think it's about time to go talk to the guys though. Mostly Matt. So I get up out of my bed and head into my bathroom. I shower brush my teeth and my hair before coming back into my room.

I pull on a pair of black ripped jeans and Cal's white Adidas hoodie. How the hell did that get in here? Well it's mine now. Surprisingly I fit into Cal and Simons clothes pretty well considering they're 6'2/6'3. I think it's cause I'm pretty tall as well and I'm not super skinny.

I go towards my wall and pull off a Nike cap and place it on my head. I also pull on my white adidas shoes with a pair of black nike socks. Yea I'm mixing brands get over it.

I then braid my hair in two braids and put my earrings in and fixing my black cross necklace so the cross hangs down my back.

I put on some deodorant and spray some perfume before grabbing my phone and heading over to Matts house.

I take a deep breath before I knock on the door. After a few seconds the door opens and Matt stands in the doorway.

He has a baggy shirt and a pair of Nike sweatpants on. His hair is messy and his eyes are bloodshot.

"Kyla?" He whispers. Like he doesn't believe I'm standing in front of him.

I give him a small smile and a wave. "Uh hey."

"Come in." He says as he opens the door wider and moves out of the way so I can walk in.

I nod and walk into the house. I look around uncomfortably figuring out how to start this conversation.

I take a seat up on his kitchen counter while he takes a seat in one of the island chairs.

"So.." I say awkwardly while nervously biting my lip.

"Ok, before you say anything, I just wanna say that what I did has no excuse. I should have never cheated on you and I'm sorry for what I did." Matt says while looking at me with sadness in his eyes.

I sit there and stare at him. My eyes in slits as I glare at him. At least he's being a man about it. "Matt. I feel like I should forgive you." I say while breaking eye contact.

"But I'm not sure if I should." I bite my lip again and glance up at him. Not being able to look at him because of the rim of my hat.

I lift my head slowly to look up at him and he gives me a slight smile. "I understand if you are not ready to forgive me yet. But I am sorry for what I did." He says while scratching the back of his neck.

I jump down off of the counter and I look at him. His bloodshot eyes show me that he hasn't been sleeping or he's high as fuck right now.

"I've decided I forgive you. But from now on I want our relationship to be completely honest. Like how it used to be. I don't want us to have trust issues." I say while playing with the end of one of my braids.

"I promise to be completely honest with you from now on." Matt says sticking his hand out for me to shake.

I roll my eyes at him and shake his hand. A smile comes onto my face and I pull Matt into a hug missing how his body felt next to mine.

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