Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 of Bad Boy Next Door// Matthew Espinosa

Tori's POV:

It was a picture of me when I was 12. That picture was taken 4 years ago when I used to model for Target and Walmart. Why the hell does he have this picture. How did he get it first of all?

I'm in one of those blue sun dresses and my hair was curled. "Tori c'mon Matt will be here any minute." I hear Allie say from behind me.

"Ok one sec." I glance to the side of the picture and see a boy standing next to me. He looks around 13. I study the picture for a little while until realization hits me. It's Matt.

He's wearing a blue shirt and black shorts. His outfit matches mine in the picture. I've met Matt before. We used to model together. My jaws hanging open as I stare at the picture.

"Ready or not here I come!" I hear Matt yell from downstairs.

"C'mon Tori in here!" I hear Allie whisper as she grabs my hand and pulls me into one of those small doors on the wall.

It was pitch black in here and it was tight. But you could move down more. I decided to just stay near the front.

"Oh Alllllieeeeee where are youuuu?" I hear Matt ask right in front of the door. Allie giggles.

Dang it she probably hides here all the time. "Booh!" Matt says as he swings the door open. Allie erupts in giggles. I give a small laugh and smile. I get out of the small room thing and go back over to the picture again.

"Matt what's this?" I ask even though I already know what is. "Oh um that? funny story we used to model together when we were younger." He says nervously laughing while scratching the back of his neck.

"So we used to be friends before this?" I ask surprised he wasn't being such a douche right now. "Yea." He replies. I turn around and smile at him.

I was about to answer when the doorbell rings. "I'll get it." I say as I run down the stairs and to the door. I open the door to see 3 guys standing there. I only knew one of them Carter.

"Hey Carter." I say as I smile at the cute boys standing in front of me. "Hey I didn't know you would be here. We wanted to know if Jake could film his video here because his parents are having a party." Carter asks.

"Uh yea sure come in." I say uneasy because it's not my house, Matt comes down the stairs oblivious to the three boys standing in front of me.

"Hey Tori who wa- oh hey guys!" He says cutting himself off.

Matt bro hugs them and leads them into another room. But one of them stays. He's pretty short compared to all the other guys.

He has nice blonde hair that swoops to the side. And he looks really good in that hat he's wearing. "Hey I'm Kayden Stephenson nice to meet you Tori is it?" Kayden asks me.

"Yea nice to meet you too Kayden." I say giving him a smile. I like his name it has a nice ring to it. "You're cute when you smile." He says as he smiles at me.

I blush at his comment. "So I'm only cute when I smile?" I ask with a smirk on my face and his eyes widen.

"Oh no that's not what I meant I mean you're cute in general but you're also cute when you smile and-" I cut him off by laughing.

"Dude I'm just kidding." I say while smiling at his nervousness.

He lets out a sigh of relief, "Oh." He says while laughing lightly.

I gesture for him to come inside before shutting the door. "You probably know where they are. If any of you need me I'll be in Allies room." I say with a small smile before walking towards the stairs to find Allie.

Kayden stands in his spot and stares at my retreating figure before going to find the guys. I go up to Allies room to see her playing with her dolls. I sit down and join her.

A little while later Allie is in bed sleeping. I heard Kayden I think singing earlier and damn he's got an amazing voice. I hope he'll sing more.

I sneak out of her room so I don't wake Allie and start down the stairs. I hear laughing. I start to walk in the room when I see Matt laying on all the guys laps. "Let me try again." He says with a smile on his face I walk up to the side of the camera.

There recording Jake's video. They all look at me and smile. Then Matt starts rapping I guess you could call it. "I got Carter on the right and Kayden on the left. Yea we the best don't need another rest. We gotta lamp over there we gotta picture over there. I like you cause you got brown hair!" He raps the last line while pointing at me. My cheeks go red and all the boys start laughing and Matt falls off there laps.

Matt just said he liked me because I have brown hair. I know it was just for his rap but it made me smile. I look down at my shoes as I cross my arms trying to hide the blush from the others.

Being friends with Matt may be a problem.


Chapter 18 coming soon maybe! Thanks guys vote! Thanks loves!😘

What did you think of Matt and Tori's past?😉

How about Kayden and Tori's little conversation?😁

What about Matts little rap?😝

Ok Yea i know in the actual video he says blonde hair but Tori has brownish blonde hair so I had to change that!😊

Teaser: Matt helps Tori😋

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