Viridian forest/Pewter city gym.

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Back at Viridian city, Joshua discovered that the gym was closed, much to the boys disappointment. He decided to move on, the old man letting people through since he had his "coffee". He tried teaching the boy how to catch a pokemon, but Joshua just left before the old man had a chance. he continued on until he was at the forest.

Once he entered, Joshua had seen many other trainers. he decided he wanted a battle. walking up to one, they battled. Joshua sent out inferno, being the only pokemon he had. the trainer he fought sent out....a metapod. needless to say, it was an easy win. Once, he actually stumbled across a pikachu, and decided he wanted it. He sent a pokeball flying, trapping the mouse inside. But the electric type wasn't going down without a fight, breaking out of the pokeball. Sending out inferno, the two clashed, until Joshua threw another pokeball, this time succeeding in catching pikachu. He gave it a potion, healing it's wounds and continued onward. Unfortunately, right before he got to the end, Inferno was poisoned, and Joshua had no antidotes. to make matters worse, someone challenged him to a battle. He defeated the trainer, but inferno was going to last much longer. he was getting weaker with every step. Luckily, the pokecenter wasn't to far away, and thus he made it out with everybody still conscious.

He had heard there was a gym in town, and decided to finally get a badge. once he walked in, a man greeted him and gave him water, and Josh had a feeling he'd see this man again. He looked on the pedestal and saw something that made his skin crawl. Red had already been here, and he had won. Not wasting any time, he went to challenge Brock, but was stopped by someone, claiming Joshua was light years away from beating Brock. the two battled, and it was here Joshua knew he was in trouble. He learned the hard way that fire wasn't very  effective against rock, and electric type had no affect. He had won the battle, but barely. after he healed up, he challenged the gym leader.

Brock sent out his geodude, and having no choice, Josh sent out Inferno. The match went south very quickly, as the geodude pumbled the fire type. Sending out his pikachu, it met the same fate. Joshua challenged the Pewter gym, and he lost.

Having not given up so early, Josh decided to train. Inferno grew strong, as well as his pikachu. but then, something amazing happened. Inferno started glowing white, his claws grew longer, he got taller, and his tail increased in length as well. he had evolved into a charmeloen! and with it, he gained a new move, metal claw. at this, Joshua decided to have his rematch against Brock. 

Brock sent out geodude, and Joshua sent out pikachu. "Pikachu, Thunder wave!" Joshua commanded. When it hit, geodude was left paralyzed. Withdrawing his pikachu to send out Inferno, Joshua had his starter use metal claw, it appearing to do massive damage. Geodude went down in two hits, making Joshua excited that he's already half way to his badge. Until Brock sent out his second pokemon, onix. Withdrawing Inferno, Joshua decided to try the same tactic. What went wrong is he underestimated how fast onix was, and it had KO'ed pikachu almaost immediately. Sending out Inferno, he hoped they were strong enough to win. Onix had used constrict, and Inferno used metal claw, and Inferno's attack proved useful. Brock then had onix use Rock tome, and Joshua thought it was over again, until he saw Inferno's tail produce a massive flame like he's never seen. Inferno used metal claw once more, this time it left a much bigger impact. Both pokemon were critical right now, "Onix, end this with rock tome!" Brock yelled. "Dodge it Inferno, then use metal claw once more!" Joshua shouted. the rocks came down, and Inferno leapt into the air, using the rocks as stepping stones. Inferno got close and used metal claw, KOing onix. They won. Brock, admitting defeat, gave the boulder badge to Joshua, as well as a TM for rock tome. Joshua healed everyone, and continued on until he was at the entrance to mount moon. He had the sneaking suspicion that this was about to get very annoying.

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