Mr. Fuji.

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Heading back to Lavender town, Joshua looked back up at the tower. He was reluctant to go inside, until he heard that the old day care man Mr. Fuji, went in and never came back out. He went up there to "Calm the spirit of a pokemon who died to save her baby from Team Rocket" was the answer Joshua received. Deciding he had no choice, he stormed up the tower, going where the ghost was found.

When he got there, the ghost appeared, telling him to go back. Joshua put on the devon scope, and where the misty figure was appeared a Marowak. Thinking the story had some truth in it, he explained to the ghost that he just wanted to get though, and that he was also an enemy of the Rockets. He continued, asking if Marowak had seen an old man. The Marowak nodded, pointing up the stairs. Joshua went up, wondering what was keeping him. then he saw them. Rocket Grunts. 

"No wonder the ghost is agitated." He thought, wondering how he was going to do this. Normally he'd just storm the place. He had faced Rockets before, but he didn't want to disrespect the dead further than he had to. 

"I've got it." he muttered, getting a mischievous smile. 

He crept around the grave stones, and pulled the pant leg of one of the grunts. He hid away in the shadows quickly, hoping he wouldn't be spotted. The grunt turned back around, a little creeped out. his buddy laughed at him, teasing that maybe it was a ghost. 

Joshua went over to him, pulling his boot lace and untying his shoe, hiding before he could be spotted. The grunts started looking at each other, fear making them shake. That's when Joshua let out a blood curling scream, making one of the guards wet themselves. Then, he spoke as ghost like as he could.

"Turn back, GET OUT! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" He cackled, the guards running away.

"Well, that was fun." Joshua remarked when he was finished laughing, turning and heading up another flight of stairs, still chuckling. When he got there, trickery wouldn't be an option. he had been spotted.

"Hey, this is Team Rockets hideout, and this old man just came in here, telling us to get out. We were just talking it over, as adults. Scram kid!" The grunt said, sending out his Koffing. 

"Weepinbell, let's go!" Joshua said, knowing his other pokemon could cause damage to this place. 

"Bullet seed!" Joshua called, but Koffing dodged. 

"Tackle" The Rocket ordered, getting a solid hit on Joshua's pokemon. "Again." The grunt said, confident he would win.

"Now, hit him Bullet seed while he close!" and Weepinbell shot out a flurry of seeds, K'Oing his opponent. The Rocket left, knowing that the base was a loss. 

"Good job." Joshua turned and told his pokemon, who started glowing. "Oh boy, here we go."  Joshua said, watching as his pokemon evolved. when it finished, his pokemon was now a victreebell. then they noticed the old man.

"Congratulations on your pokemon evolving, and thank you for getting here. I am Dr. Fuji. why don't we talk elsewhere?" He said, getting a nod from Joshua. Though the spirit calmed down, the place still gave the boy the creeps.

Once back at Mr. Fuji's house, Joshua was given a pokeflute, meant to wake up any sleeping pokemon. He thought about that, thinking about the Snorlax nearby. but that would wait, Saffron city is next on his list.

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