Saffron City.

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Heading west of Lavender town, Joshua was able to pass through, as the "Road work." was complete.

Once he entered Saffron, he immediately reached for his belt. the place was completely over run with Team Rocket! 

Hiding away, as he was certain his face would be recognized, he looked over at the Gym, and it was blocked off by a team rocket member.

"Great, now what?" He thought, thinking of how he might be able to drive them out. Then he got an idea. he went inside the pokemon center, contacting Professor Oak.

"How's it been? you called to check up on your pokedex?" The Professor asked.

"No, I need back up. Do you have any way of contacting Green, or Mike? I'll even take Red as an option, but I need them at Saffron city, now." Joshua said, Oak having a weird look.

"And why's that?  What do you need them for?" Oak asked, curious.

"This place has been over run by Team Rocket! I know Mike has dealt with them before, and if I can take them, I know he could." Joshua answered.

"I'll see what I can do. But know that if they aren't going to be able to help, you shouldn't try this alone." Oak said, before logging out.

Joshua waited a few minutes, before the the computer started ringing. Green came on the screen, wanting details. Joshua told her his plan, and she agreed to head there right away. Joshua wondered how she would get there, but in a few minutes he found out. she walked into the pokecenter, telling him she flew on an old pokemon.

"Which one?" Joshua asked, not knowing what she meant.

"Oh, you'll see." Green teased. They got another call, telling them that Red and Mike could not be contacted. 

"Great, just us?" Joshua asked, Green nodding. Joshua knew how to drive the Rockets out, by taking the tower. Oak told them it was suicide, saying they should just get out of there. However, the two trainers figured they had it handled.

"By the way, Green, how many badges do you have?" Joshua asked. 

"Six. I just got into the town of my seventh one when I got a call." She responded.

"Well then this shouldn't be a problem. Just, watch out for a tall dude in a suit. He's not like the other guys. trust me." Joshua said, remembering Giovanni.

They stormed the Tower, Green taking out the Rocket grunt with a sleep powder. Fighting everyone inside was easy enough, until they came to the top. They encountered several Grunts, all using Koffing and Ekans. Green said she'd take care of them, and Joshua went on a head. what he wasn't expecting was to run into his old friend again, Giovanni.

"Ah, Joshua. We meet again." Giovanni said, Joshua already getting prepared to fight.

"The president and I were discussing a vital business proposition. Keep your nose out of grown up matters....Or experience a world of pain!" Giovanni said, getting ready.

"I beat you before, and I'll do it again!" Joshua yelled.

"Ah yes, that little, incident. I underestimated you. I will not make that mistake again!" Giovanni said, sending out a Nidorino. 

"Nino, go!" Joshua sent out his Nidoking. 

"Before you go and start shaking everything, think about this. I care not for your safety, or the safety of the friend you selfishly brought along then left. You have a choice, face me, or save her." Giovanni pointed out.

"Green's tough, I bet she's busy wrapping it up now." Joshua said confidently.


In truth, the battle was going badly. half of Greens team was down and the other half was poisoned. She then saw something flying towards the window. Ducking her head, the glass shattered as a fire blast broke through.

"The cavalry has arrived." a voice said.


Back up in the Office, the battle was going badly. Nino, Persian, and Raichu had been taken down, Leaving Joshua with only two pokemon left. Giovanni still had three, though after taking down three pokemon his Nidoqueen wasn't doing so well. Victreebell had taken her down, but was also beaten in the process, leaving just Inferno. 

Kangaskhan was a tough one to take down, but now Inferno had to fight Rhydon, something he was only able to do successfully as he had a power boost from evolving, as all pokemon do during battle. 

"Metal Claw!" Joshua yelled, determined not to let this end with defeat. Giovanni simply waved it off, telling Rhydon to use Giga impact. It connects, collapsing a wall on top of Inferno. Giovanni had won. Then, the windows busted open, a helicopter appearing, as well as the elevator opening to reveal Mike and Green, who was using Mike as a crutch. Joshua called back his Charizard, smirking at The rocket leader.

"I may have won this battle, but you ruined our plans. Next time, you will not walk away." Giovanni said from the chopper, it flying off. That's when the President went over.

"Oh dear boy, thank you for saving SILPH. I will never forget you saved us in our moment of peril. I have to thank you three in some way." He said, walking over to a painting behind him. He opened it, getting three purple balls and handing one to each trainer. 

"You can't buy those anywhere, it's our secret prototype, M.A.S.T.E.R ball. It should catch any pokemon without fail. but please, be quiet about using it. I don't want the public knowing about it just yet." The president finished. Seeing as the window's were destroyed, Mike decided they would fly down, as he was the only one in shape to walk. 

"Green, I've healed your pokemon. Take one out to fly yourself down, I'll get this bozo down." Mike said, heading towards Joshua.

"How am I the Bozo? I saved the day." Joshua said with pride.

"No, you unnecessarily risked you life and the life of your team, as well as leaving Green alone with so many grunts they overwhelmed her. I saved her, while you were busy getting beaten by old black suite." Mike said harshly. "Listen, this may have worked now, but this is bigger than you. It's not just you at risk. What would've happened if we hadn't showed up?" Mike asked, causing Joshua to look down, knowing he was right.

"I'm not saying don't help. But when you know it will be dangerous, ask yourself if your willing to put others in danger to play hero. Ok?" Joshua nodded, looking a little glum.

"That said, not bad. At least you stopped the bad guy. Now, let's get the three of us down." Mike finished, calling his charizard out, setting Joshua in his pokemon's arms, then climbing on it's back. Green called out her ride, an Aerodactyle, and the three of them flew down, getting to a pokecenter. Team rocket had left the city, and after healing up, Joshua decided he wanted to tackle the gym.......tomorrow. After all, he and his team were in no condition to fight. Mike said that he now had all eight badges, and the rockets must have appeared a bit after he left. Green stated she was heading back to Fuschia tomorrow to get her sixth badge.

"I better hurry if I want to enter the league." Joshua said, worried he'd fallen to far behind.

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