1.Q:If you could only go on one more ride at the amusement park,would you go to the scariest haunted house with Tao or ride the highest roller coaster with Hoseoke?
A: Well i HATE roller coasters and haunted houses sooooo... JISOOS BubbleTea_Pororo WHY DID YOU MAKE THESE QUESTIONS SO HARD!! Ummm, I love Tao and Hobi too... I CANT ANSWER THIS!!!
2. Q: Fried Chicken or Bubble tea?
A: Another hard question, um i actually crave bubble tea more than fried chicken... SORRY JONGIN BUT SEHUNNIE'S MY BIAS but you're my bias wrecker ;)
3. Q: You are now imprisoned for 10 years, what did you do to get yourself in jail?
A:1st off im too fabulous to be in jail *flips my short af hair* 2nd off, I think i just did something really stupid with my friends and my friend was going to get arrested but i defended them so i got arrested.
4. Q: Please rate the level of your god/goddess of destruction from a scale of Min Yoongi to Kim Namjoon, and why?
A: Some days im Suga some days im Rapmon, it just depends
5. Q: What will you do + what will be your reaction when you accidentally bump into your ultimate bias and spit your bubble tea on him/her?
A: I dont think Amber will be mad, like I would be apologizing like crazy and she'd be like saying its okay, we'd probably become best friends after that
6. Q: EXO Monster or BTS Fire?
7. Q: If BTS (or any other group you stan) were food, what kind/type of food will you imagine they be?
A: Um im guessing im gonna do SHINee!! Taemin: Banana milk, cuz he loves banana milk, and its sweet like him
Jonghyun: Strawberry shortcake, pink hair, So sweet, and they can be small and cute like he's a little puppy
Onew: Jello, it slips and slides like the Onew Condition
Key: OH MY KEYKEY, Um idk... something sweet, like cotton candy
Minho: Chocolate, HAVE YOU SEEN HIS ABS, plus he's sweet and kind and HIS ABS!!!
8. Q:Do you think you have yes jams or no jams? Why/why not
A: No jams, no jams at all if you meet me you can tell i have no jams
9. Q: you are suddenly stuck in a labyrinth by yourself and you're able to choose one thing or one person to accompany you. who or what would you choose?
A: If i had an object i would choose a lazer gun to shot the walls down And a person would choose Namjoon to break down the walls for me
10. Q: your new job requires you to wear a cute mascot costume. Will it be Ryan, Kumamon, or Rilakkuma?
A: Well i was just looking at Kumamon pics and i just made it as my wallpaper
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But Kumamon scares me sometimes so i pick Rilakkuma
11. Q: pick one person from any kpop group that you'll love to have as a big brother and why?
A: REN FROM NU'EST AS AN OLDER BROTHER!! He'll help me with outfits and tell me im beautiful and he'll protect me!! REN-OPPA DO MY HAIR!!!
12. Q: if you were given the chance to go back in time once, at what point in your life will you choose to go back to and why?
A: I would choose...(this took a while) um im not sure bc i think things happen for a reason.
LAST QUESTION Q: The Sebooty or Jibooty?
A: I already seen the Sebooty live at the EXOLUXION soo I haven't seen Jibooty live so, I choose THE JIBOOTY!!!