im obsessed with mark's 'let's try it, let's sign it' and jinyoung's 'baby you belong to me'
its just— hAWT
i was tagged again by evil eonnie, bangtancy (im kidding love ya)
30 facts about meh
1; id pay good money to see who can sing higher between Jongdae (exo), Jimin (bts) and DK (svt)
2; id pay good money to see a rap battle between Yoongi (bts), Chanyeol (exo), and Juho (sf9)
3; i literally dont finish my projects until last minute
4; im allergic to pineapple
5; im making a youtube channel with SonaNguyener and ramenvo cuz the other channel i was gonna do didn't work out
6; i take screenshots of nam joo hyuk in weightlifting fairy, kim bok joo cuz he's flipping adorable
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7; i have a strong dislike to nct (no hate) its just— sm treats them better and ignores the older groups and they can leave whenever they want and it makes me so uGH
ok rant over im calm :)
8; if u show hate to any of my idol babies i will yell and lecture you why i love them
9; we have an instagram for out youtube its (@)get.eight.8
we only have 1 pic
imma make my instagram soon
10; i was once asked if i was my friend's twin brother (like tf im not a dude)
then for the same friend if we where siblings (at least he knows im a girl but no we not related)
11; i love painting but i hate cleaning it up
12; ive watched so many kdramas and all i picked up were 'hello' 'thank you' 'because of me' 'i love you' 'i like you' 'yes' 'no'
i mean im doing pretty well so...
13; if i trigger you im sorry, i don't intend to (most of the time)
14; i can almost dance heart attack by aoa by memory