WHet IvE bEeN oN waTtPad FoR twO YeaRs???!!! ya know i should know special dates like this but i guess i didn't faze me... TWO MOTHERFREAKING YEARS
its time for me to explain my amazing story of how the great RAWMUNE was started
long ago (like three years ago or something) the amazing master known as Fanficfan777 showed me her Gruvia fanfiction on this site called wattpad
i was a bit scared to try it out cuz my Jelsa fanfiction wasn't as good as the fanfics i saw on this site.
a year later i think i finally found another fandom to write about kpop
i was a bit hesitant because all the books i read were and still are amazing but i gave it a go.
then i wrote my first kpop fanfiction called star light star bright featuring park chanyeol from exo
then the views were coming faster and faster.... shall i write more?
then i started to write more and more and stories started to come more easily to me
now i have 13 published and completed books one im working on and this book.
my most viewed fanfiction is called protector with 14k views.
i couldn't have done any of it without my followers and viewers... i appreciate everyone who has made it possible for me.
i love you all and i wish i could explain how much you mean to me but there isn't any word in the world to explain it.
i love you all so so so much and i hope you are all having a great day/afternoon/night
if u wanna talk dm me, text me on kik (Star_lit_sky) or on my kakaotalk (Elly)
i an currently not feeling amazing i went home early today bc my head hurt and i felt dizzy... plus my head hurts now so i shouldn't be on here rn but *shrug*
i Love YouU
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