too much stuff not enough space

43 6 35

+ if a guy sang this to me i'd marry him on the spot — maybe not marry but u get my point

OK I WAS TAGGED BY MY BABY PANDA --MILKTAE lily i hate you for taggibg me in this long tag (jk jk)

how many languages do u speak
i can speak english... spanish... a little bit of tagalog... and little bit and learning korean

ever done anything dangerous and enjoyed it
um i don't think so cuz im such a scardy cat.... probably maybe

ur favorite place
my house my lola's (grandma's) house in florida, and i have an asian bakery/cafe where i live it's called brown sugar

do u like the rain
yes like rain without thunder and lightning and it isn't raining hard that u cant see more than three fr in front of u but yes— a specific type

ever met ur internet friends irl
no and i wish i have cuz i'll hug them and never let them go

song u listen to the most
as if its your last by blackpink cuz im trying to learn the dance and signal by twice cuz i love doing the dance

favorite food
i love asian food in general

how are u
pretty good actually :)

do u find tags annoying
no but it gives me anxiety cuz i feel rushed to do it

can u draw
yes and pretty good

can a match box
nO BuT a FreaKinG TiN Caaaaan

thanks daniel howell

ever kissed a boy
yes my neighbor we were best friends in elementary and i had a crush on him and i was dared to kiss him on the cheek

ever kissed a girl
my bestie Fanficfan777 on the cheek cuz she's my baby

chicken or fries
wHy NoT BotH??!!

kpop or kdrama
again Why Not BoTh

introvert or extrovert

initials to people u hate
idk the person's last name but i know their first name starts with a D

15 physically 5 mentally

last time u cried
watching strong women

plastic or savage
savage of course dUH

dress or jeans
jeans cuz my legs are hairy af

someone u dont know but consider close to
amber liu

someone u look up to
amber liu iisuperwomanii min yoongi

groups u stan
get ready

bts shinee exo got7 seventeen sf9 vixx astro big bang fx aoa blackpink ace ze:a twice snsd


dream destination
s.korea japan london

picture of self

picture of self

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