what's your favorite makeup product eyeliner probably
what type of fashion sense do you have tomgirl
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who do you follow for makeup and beauty tips uh probably like korean beauty
who's your fashion icon AMBER FREAKING LIU
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what type of clothes are you most comfortable in baggy shirts leggings or skinny jeans literally what i wear but if im feeling fancy i wear a tshirt dress or a nerdy dress from hot topic
what clothing item do you wear the most skinny jeans or leggings
like i have black jeggings and like i have to get more cuz it's getting too tight on me
what is something that's necessary for you to take when you go out if we're still on the "beauty topic" my lip balm
how often do you go out to buy new clothes not very often i have enough clothes rn
what makeup product do you hate the most for me its mascara I KEEP POKING MY EYE BC MY EYELASHES ARE TOO FLIPPING SHORT
what clothing item do you hate the most ones that show too much cleavage