hello i am currently relieved that the long week is over— did you guys feel like the week was going by so slow like i was literally dragging myself along...
some of you might be asking "liz why did you title this chapter rewrite when a video of jinyoung being a baby boi attached? that doesn't make sense please explain."
well im glad you asked (or didn't... im going to explain anyways) in honor of the got7 eyes on you tour that im going to attend in the summer... i thought it would be nice to write a fic with my bias in it, park jinyoung. unfortunately i haven't gotten hit by inspiration yet so i decided 'why don't i make a rewrite?'
i already have a jinyoung fic called GROWING PAINS (go read it if you haven't) which was one of my favorite fics that ive written because i used a totally different format and got to mess around with edits and it just seemed like a well written fanfic (that was written by me... just in my opinion)
of course im going to change it up a bit but im going to stay to keep the same structure as the first one
hopefully i can start it and keep it going for it to end nicely and beautifully
plus i've been thinking about doing a rewrite for a while and i think this is a good fic to change up and improve.
if you haven't read GROWING PAINS go read it now or whenever you get a chance im really proud of it and i hope you enjoy it
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