i was laying at the end of my bed and laying on my stomach... i was reading
a smut sex kinda part and it was kinda heating up but anyways
i was casually reading, not showing any emotion when
"Ebeth (family nickname) where's your sister?" it was my dad... and i panicked a little quietly putting my phone down, making the screen face down
"No, i think she's in her room." i said without turning red giving clues that im reading/watching something bad on my phone.
"Ok... goodnight."
"Night dada!"
yes i call my dad dada but still i was kinda embarrassing and a little scary cuz im only 14 and im reading mature 18+ things but *shrug*
my friends still think im still so innocent even though i grew up with cursing and read these things
plus i sometimes my dirty mind comes out but thats in the other group since elementary... with my small asian ish group in very dirty minded (i don't blurt it out i just laugh at their dirty jokes)
but im pretty innocent when i comes to certain things
im like jimin and jungkook
so there my life story kinda
forgot to add this
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