Don't think I Forgot

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Sean's POV: Kanye called me in for a meeting today. I don't know what it's about... But I'm sure it's gonna be big. He never calls random meetings unless it's something HUGE. So I get out of the bed, brush my teeth, get dressed, send a quick text to wifey, and I hop in my car and go!
*arrives at the meeting*
Kanye: Hey Sean. I know you're probably wondering why I called you into this last minute meeting. But I have some great news for you.
Sean: Alright! I'm ready to hear it.
Kanye: How would you feel about going on the ANTI world tour?
Kanye: Exactly! That's the only way to do it 😏
Sean: I'm all in! So when does all this start?
Kanye: In 6 months. You're gonna hit up all the biggest places. We're talking London, Amsterdam, Australia, Germany, and Italy!
Sean: Okay this is too lit! I can't wait to travel the world again. It's been awhile.
Kanye: Now that we're on the same page. I expect this tour to be huge. I need you to bring out some people on the stage with you. You can bring out Chris, E-40, Drake, and Ari and anybody else you can think of.
Sean: I gotchu man. I wanna head to the studio and work on some new fire. So are we good?
Kanye: Yeah man, we good. Thank you for coming on short notice
Sean: No problem.
Sean gets up , shakes Kanye's hand, and leaves the room.
I can't wait to tell Ari....🎉

Ariana's POV
I've been in the studio all day workin on some new music🤗. I'm checking my phone and I don't see any texts from Sean. But I'm not worried though because I know he's probably working. I do see a bunch of other texts though. So I start responding
Lexie👯💞: Hey girl!! What are you up to today?
Ariana: Hey babe! In the studio like always wbu?
Manager: Hey Ari. Can we do a meeting tomorrow morning? I have some ideas about promotion.
Ariana: Of course! I wanna do as much as possible to make this era successful.
I was so happy that all my friends were checking in on me and I was looking forward to spending time with each of them. I was actually smiling at my phone until I saw this one text
Ricky: Hey moonlight. I miss us so much. When can we go back to the old days 🌙
WHY IS HE TEXTIN ME THIS BULL💩. I'm wayyy over him and his childish ess. He's an e m p l o y e e who needs to be put in place...  and if he doesn't stay in check, I'm gonna drop him.
Ariana: Sir please!🙄 You're too childish and not my type. You're an employee... And you need to ACT LIKE IT. Please stay in your lane or you'll be eating peanut butter sandwiches in your car AGAIN.
*smirks and presses send*
Now that I took care of that. I need to decide what my next single from my album "Dangerous Woman" is going to be. I don't want to do snippets of the music on snapchat since the whole song could be leaked. I also want to make sure I promote the album and single "Dangerous Woman" well too. No need to stress though. That's what I'm having that meeting in the morning for. I'm shocked out of my thoughts
with a phone call from my my baby. 🙈
I pick up the phone while smiling.
Sean: Hey baby. What you doing?
Ariana: Just got done in the studio. What's popping?
Sean: Well I got some great news. I'm gonna be going on the Anti world tour AND Kanye said he wants me to bring you out for a few of the shows.
Ariana: OHMYGOSH! You're gonna be on tour with Rhianna. She's such a baddie!!! I love her so much. I'm so happy for youuu. Sean: Laughing. I had a feeling you'd be excited. But the only thing is that I can't down as much time as I want with you since I'll be on the road. And then Kanye said he wants me to bring everyone else out that I can including Jhe-... I mean her.
Ariana: It's okay. You can say her name. I still don't trust her. But I trust you enough to know you can perform with her without anything wild happening. So it's all good. And I'm okay with you being on tour. I know this is a huge opportunity for you.
Sean: Baby you're so supportive. You're so chill about this whole situation.
In all honesty I was worried. I didn't forget what happened the last time we didn't get to spend that much time together. Not to mention summer 15 when I lost my mind. And more recently... Twenty88. But I can't let Sean know I'm worried about that. I don't wanna look insecure or like I can't handle it. I'm 23 and for once, in gonna act like it. "Yeah babe. We've been through a lot together. This is lightweight. Wanna meet up and celebrate."
Sean: "Yeah you already know. I'll see you in 10. Love you wifeyyy."
Ariana: I smiled at how excited he sounds. And then say "Love you too daddy." I hang up the phone, say bye to everybody in the studio, and head home quick. Something's telling me it's gonna be a long night. And I don't even mind....😏 Although I'm acting tough about it..... I'm still worried about "her" though.

Author's Note: SURPRISE BISHESSSS!!!!! I told you it was coming sooner than you think. 🤗I've decided to upgrade this story starting with this chapter. I'm going to make this story truly realistic. Yes this means DRAMAA😈. Since I love you guys so much, I wanna hear from y'all. Please please please put speak your opinions in the comments. Vote on this chapter if you like it too. Feedback is the best motivation for me to continue this story. And if you have ideas that you wanna see in the story, just COMMENT. I'm off to think up ideas for the next chapter. This is only the beginning. ☝🏾️💭
You know I love you... Xoxo-Kait💁🏽🤓

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