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Hello everyone !!! (Yes I'm alive.!!!) Lemme start this out by saying: I hope you've all had a merry Christmas !!!! And for those who don't celebrate, Happy Hanukkah ❤️✨. I hope you spent that much needed time with your families!!  Another thing: I read most of y'all stories and can I just say... MY READERS ARE TALENTED!!!😍 I am in love with the stories I read form you amazing people. The creativity is everything. Shoutout specifically to nenehizzle5 CertifiedArianator MarliciaColeman andddddd bentover_bckwards 😌✨ My main onesssss!!!✊🏽

What I owe you guys for the holidays : A thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years chapter. Since I'm out of school, I'm able to give y'all at least a short chapter each day for all of these with cute, make you smile, feel good  moments.

For 2017,  I wanna take this book more seriously so I've set some goals : 1. Updates at least once each week.

2. More interesting chapters. Cute is fine, but the story should be realistic and they've gotta have ups and downs.

3. More reader interaction. I'm gonna start asking you guys what YOU think of the chapters and really speaking with you all in the comments. Y'all are so important to me. My inspiration

4. LONGER CHAPTERSS!!! I know y'all are tired of these short chapters. I know y'all were ready for some drama, conflict, fights, just anything to spice this up.

5. A surprise. Once I get deeper into the book, the surprise will be revealed.

6. This wedding. It's gotta happen soon. They're engaged. I already have plans for each phase of this 😊 It's starting sooner than you think

7. Growth. I want this story to blow up. Not for myself. But for those who are going f through something... need something to smile at, laugh at, or do, this app can be their escape ☺️

You guys are the most patient and loving readers. 2017 is about to be something special for all of us. I write this book out of love and passion like always. And I want that to show in this upcoming year , month, or week. I can't describe how much I love you guys.  I know I am usually slacking wit the updates but I promise you guys you're not gone regret reading this story 😘

Xoxo- Kait

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