I don't understand

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Ariana: I woke up at Sean's house since we were had a little celebration since he's going on a world tour with Rihanna. The only I thing can think about is how long he's gonna be on tour and how much I'm gonna miss him. But I have to be strong this time. I turn to my side and see Sean sleeping peacefully.

My man is so fine... Even when he's sleep 🙈. I quietly slip out of bed, throw on one of his T-shirts, and head downstairs to make breakfast. For Sean, I make sausage, grits, and eggs. For myself, I have some vegan  yogurt I luckily left in the fridge. When I got finished cooking, I felt someone come up behind me and put their arms around my waist and I knew it was my baby.
"Good morning babe. I made you some breakfast." I said as I kissed him on his cheek. Thanks baby. The smell woke me up. I laughed as I watched him rush to make his plate. Somebody's hungry this morning. You know me too well he said. Haha yeah. But I gotta head out. I having a meeting about how we're gonna promote Dangerous Woman!

Oh okay. The more performances of whatever single is out the better he said. Babe are you just saying that cause you like watching me on stage I teased. Fine, you caught me. I love seeing that ess in action he said.  "You're such a mess sometimes" I said. "I know. But you still love it"😛 "Yes babe. But I gotta go before I'm late to this meeting. I love you" I say before kissing Sean, grabbing my purse and keys leaving the house. 

While I'm in the car I hear a familiar song on the radio. I turn it up a little and hear Sean's voice rapping. I was enjoying it... And then I kind've calmed down when I remembered it was "On The Way" from Twenty88. I still gotta learn to get adjusted to it.

I arrive and the meeting 10 minutes early, but my manager is ready to get straight down to business. " "Let's talk promotion" he says..... Once he said those words, I knew I was going to be here all day.

Sean's POV:
I know tour is gonna start in 6 months... So I've got lots of times to get important things done. I'm sitting at the table thinking of what I should do first. I definitely wanna hit up the studio and get to work on this new album. And I also have to do some type of promotion for Twenty88 because I don't want anything with my name on it to flop.

I finish breakfast and decide I need to head to the studio first. I take a shower, get dressed and hop in the car. When I turn on the radio and the first thing I heard on the radio was Dangerous Woman. I smiled. When I get to the studio imma send wifey a little text.

I walk into the studio and the first person  I see is Zeno. "Aye man. You ready to make some fire?" He said. "You already know. I'm tryna boss up though because I want this album to be the  best though." I said. "Oh okay. You really not playing anymore." He said. "Nope. I'm done being slept on" I said.

I sat in the studio writing bars all day. But I keep thinking that somehow, I can do better. So I decide to call up some people for inspiration. I called up Dj Khaled, Drake, Kendrick, and Jhene. Khaled was talking about how I should stay focused on the album and don't get distracted by "they". Drake told me it's important to represent where I came from. Kendrick gave me the realest advice. He said that when I get in the studio, to make sure my raps have meaning to it.

After they gave me that advice, I sat down and talked to Jhene. I told her we've got to come up with a way to promote Twenty88. "SEAN I GOT AN IDEA" she said. "Oh really? What is it?" I asked. "We could do a photoshoot for a big rap magazine. The more people that see it the better." She said.

"That's actually a great idea. I know it would work but uhm...." I got lost in my thoughts thinking about how Ari would feel with photos of me and Jhene  popping up everywhere. "Sean CMON. Ariana is gonna be fine. If she was really your girl, she'd understand that business is business. It's all just promo" she said quickly. "I know. She's been chill about the whole Twenty88 thing. But I don't know if it's just to make me happy or if she's really okay with it." I said.........
Ariana's POV

It's been such a long day. It's 7 o clock and I just got out of this meeting about promo. We've chose the singles, booked multiple performances, and got a plan for promotion. I check my phone, but there's nothing from Sean. He usually at least texts me by now. Is he just busy... Is he ignoring me... Did I do something wrong.... I just don't understand.

I hear the phone ring and I happily answer "Hey babe. I been waiting for you to hit me up" I said smirking. "Look Ari... We seriously need to talk." Sean said. "Oh.. " I'm starting to get worried because he doesn't sound happy. Almost like he's gonna give me bad news. "Babe. Before I go on tour with Rihanna, I'm gonna have to promote Twenty88. A few photoshoots and I'm gonna have to get in some performances too. I think it's best to get Twenty88 out of the way, so that when I get back, I can focus on my favorite girl"

I was in shock for a second. But what he said made sense. The faster he promotes this album, the faster it can all be over. But then again, he told me that this album wasn't that serious and it was mostly to help... Her. I gather myself and say "You know what babe. I understand why you've gotta do this. But I didn't know Twenty88 was this serious to you." "Oh wow. Ariana I sat down and wrote every song on by MYSELF Twenty88 and I'm getting zero credit for it. I've gotta take it serious because I'm tired of being slept on. I thought you of all people would know what it's like trying to get respect in this industry after the donut incident." He snapped.

"ARE YOU SERIOUSLY BRINGING THAT UP RIGHT NOW? That's cool! Just know I'm always supportive of you and your career and I never bring up your past." I started to cry. I don't understand why he's acting like this right now.🙍🏽 "Babe you still there..." He said softly. "Yeah I guess" I said sadly.
"I'm sorry for bringing that up. It's wasn't necessary. I was just worried." He said. "What are YOU worrying about Sean?" I raised my voice. "I'm worried about you... But you're too upset to see that." He said. "Maybe... I could just be tired. It's been a long day." I said almost apologetically. "

"Don't let that stress get to you. Just relax." I said soothingly. "I can't relax right now Sean. I have so many performances and appearances. And I don't wanna disappoint my fans." I said. "I understand how you feel. Now do you get why I have to do this?" He said softly.

"Yeah. I get it. I'm sorry I got mad at you. You're just trying to handle your career. I should be more supportive." "You are supportive. Stop that." He said. "You right. Lemme quit tripping." I said. "Aye I have an idea. Maybe we should go on a little trip before all this work starts." He suggested. "REALLY? I would love that. I LOVE YOUUU" I said with a huge smile. "I love you too wifey. Get some rest! You're gonna need it." He said smirking. "Okay daddy. Bye" I hung up the phone and got in my car and drove home with a smile on my face the whole time.

Sean's POV:
Ariana doesn't know this yet. But I have a HUGE surprise for her when we go on vacation. We're going to the Bahamas because she's gonna love it. But I'm also not telling her that. I just can't wait to see that smile on her face. She deserves this so much. If everything goes like I plan, this vacation is gonna be perfect.

Author's Note:
Hey loves 🙋🏽 Oh wow. Going to be doing my best to update as often as possible. Thank you all for the votes and comments. I'm very glad that you all are enjoying this story. I'm enjoying writing this story. Just a little bit of drama in this chapter to get it started. But more is to come. Remember everyone. This is only the beginning for this story ☝🏾️💭 Remeber to vote, comment, and read this story. Feel free to give your opinions/ suggestions. All feedback is good feedback 🤗 Love you guys so much!! Y'all are my inspiration to keep this story popping.

You know I love you, xoxo- Kait💋👑

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