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« I can feel your smile
rest upon my face
And I can feel the warmth
and gentleness of your embrace

I can hear your laughter
it's music to my ears
And your voice still whispers to me
and wipes away my tears

I imagine you
right here with me
the one and only place
you are meant to be
This is your home
here in my heart
but fate has been unkind
and time has kept us apart
So, I imagine you
right here with me »

Now, I'm the one writing to tell you what I feel..

With love, Dean.

. . .


It was beautiful, truly.

But you don't know who I really am. And if you did, I am convinced you would not feel the same as what you wrote.

I just don't think it's a good idea.


. . .

Things are happening!

REYKJAVIK.  dean thomasWhere stories live. Discover now