Waking up

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You gasp and jump awake, looking at your surroundings in confusion. From the looks of it, you were in the hospital... A nurse was in the far corner of the room, sitting in a chair and looking at her phone. You look down at yourself to see bruises on your arms and legs, and a hefty amount of gauze on one of your wrists.

"You took quite a beating, sweetheart." The nurse says, approaching you. You blink, trying to figure out what happened.

"I can't remember..." You say, your voice hoarse. You're thrown into a fit of harsh coughing and gasping, as you grasp your neck and tears fall.

"Careful sweetie, try to avoid talking." The nurse said as she rubbed your back.

"What happened?" You ask. The nurse is quiet for a moment.

"The girl who called is here, maybe she can help... She's been asking to see you, says it's important. Do you want me to let her in?"

"Yes, please." You reply, trying to think about who it could be. The nurse walks out, and within a few minutes a girl in a wheelchair came in. She had long white hair, gold eyes, a blue tee shirt, a black duckbill hat, and a blanket thrown over her lap and wrapped around her legs. There was a man behind her who was pushing the wheelchair. He had black hair, red eyes, glasses and was dressed very formally.

"Hey there, how ya doin'?" She asked. You thought for a minute.

"Other than the fact I'm in the hospital and have no idea why, ok..." You reply, "W-who are you?"

"My name is Mutt. I know, it's awful." She half laughed, "and this is Reiji." The man with glasses just nodded slowly.

"Oh. The nurse said you can tell me what happened. Can you?" You ask.

"Yeah... I was taking a walk when I saw you down an alley, there were about seven guys... They had dragged you down there. One pushed you down and started beating on ya, the rest joined in almost immediately. I showed em' who's boss and then called 911. Oh, and that," she pointed to the wrapped up wound to your wrist. "That was my bad, sorry."

"Mutt!" Reiji snapped, giving her a stern look.

"Chill out, Glasses. It's fine. She wants to know what happened." Mutt said as she rolled her eyes. You start to take off the gauze, curious. 'The one thing worse than a bruise was caused by the person who saved me? What? Seven guys? She took all of them on? She's in a wheelchair!' Your mind was racing as the last of the gauze came off. It was a bite mark, canine, and it was HUGE. You gaze up at Mutt and look into her gold eyes. Thats when you remember, just a bit. A huge, white dog with gold eyes coming down the alley and sending your attackers running, but only after getting shot a few times... In the back of its legs. Before she can say anything, you black out.

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