Filling the void

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Time passed and you two were practically inseparable. It was official, you were a couple. You'd sit and listen to music together, occasionally he'd bite you, you'd hug him and he'd joke about how he knew you liked him. There was something missing though... Most of the time it seemed like you were just talking to an inanimate object. He never really reacted, never said anything, just there with a straight face and slept. 'wow... He really is like a pet rock...' You thought. That's when you got an idea.

"Thanks for listening, Rocky." You say. One of those beautiful blue eyes of his opened and he raised an eyebrow.

"...Rocky?" He questioned.

"Inside joke." You reply, smiling. "Perhaps if you listened, you'd get it."

"Who says I'm not listening?" He asks, both eyes looking into yours.

"Well, I just assumed... You never really react to anything I say, just kinda sit there... I mean, it's good to be able to talk about my day to someone, even if they don't respond, but you're like a statue. No change in face or anything." You explain, looking down.

"Never assume things. Especially when it concerns me." Shuu says before closing his eyes again. You sit there, stunned.

"O-Ok. Sorry Shuu..." Was all you could say.

"It's fine." He sighs, putting an arm over his face.

"I guess I'll be going now... See ya at dinner." You say, feeling rather embarrassed.

"Don't." Shuu says before pulling you down on top of him. His arms wrapped around you, holding your head to his chest.

"Okay..." You say, wrapping your arms around him.

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