Chapter XVIII - Evanescent Hope

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"I love you Barry"
"I love you too iris"

"Good god"
I feel like I'm going to puke.
I so don't ship them.
Don't get me wrong, this isn't any racism but the actors just don't have any chemistry and also I feel like I should be playing iris, because Barry Allen is just so damn handsome!

Someone shakes my shoulder rather rudely and I look up to see a disheveled Rose glaring at me and I give out a little chuckle.
She is still wearing the same dress she wore to the party last night, her hair is completely messed up and she's messing up her mascara more by rubbing her eyes.
I take off my headphones
"What?" I ask

"Are you deaf?" She says,scratching her head

"Apparently not" I smile, still amused by how she's looking

"Hey, I'm the one who should have the attitude here because your dear boyfriend is ruining my sleep by shouting your name from downstairs so please put down Barry's messed up love life and go handle yours" and with this she walks out of the room, leaving me laughing.

I put my hair up in a ponytail and go downstairs to find Mason sitting in a pool of junk food all of which make my mouth water and my stomach grumble but all of which I can't eat.

There is popcorn, sour worms, salt and vinegar chips, sour cream and onion chips and cookies. There is also some movies.

"Hey you're fast" he says sarcastically.

He is wearing his usual, jeans and a tee shirt and looking usually and catastrophically handsome
Moving on....

"What can I say I'm the flash?" I shrug, clearly referencing to our last movie encounter

"I love those series" we both say at the same time.

"Jinx!" I shout
"Double jinx!" He shouts too
"Triple jinx!"
This time he doesn't say quadruple jinx.
"No quadruple jinx? Do you not want to win?" I ask him.

"I have a feeling I already am winning" He smiles at me and shrugs

I don't know what is up with me today but I feel so good.
Last night made me feel like there might just be hope for me.
Might being the key word here.

"Snowbarry or westallen?" I ask

"Do you really think I ship someone on that show?" He asks, faking a very deep voice .

Who is he trying to fool here?
I know this guy as much as I know myself, that is, of course, if I know myself.

"Yes" I smile triumphantly and he sighs before answering

"None I actually ship Patty and Barry and I don't know their ship name" he tells me.
Yeah I'll believe that!

"So I thought that we should watch a movie together since we don't have many plans for today" his eyes twinkle in excitement

"Yeah sure" I smile and plop on the couch

"Which one do you wanna watch?" He says while showing me different DVDs.
I put a popcorn in my mouth and nod enthusiastically when he holds up '10 things I hate about you'

"Really?" His face scrunches up

"Why did you put it in the pile of you didn't wanna watch it?" I say in a firm tone, suddenly sounding very defensive over Heath Ledger and Julia Stiles 

"Okay okay geez woman" he says and I chuckle.
We put it on and open a packet of sour cream and onion chips.

We pause the movie halfway when we realize that this junk food isn't enough.

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