Chapter 7

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Evelyn's POV

I woke up on the same place where I blacked out. I had a horrible head ache and had bruises all over me.

My parents must have been hurting me when I was blacked out too. They were probably yelling at me to get up. I sighed.

I stood up but when I tried to stand up I fell down. I was too bruised to stand. Bruises were everywhere on me. I laid there staring at the ceiling. The clock on the wall read 12:00 AM. I hadn't even done my homework. I couldn't even go to my room...well...basement.

I stared at the ceiling with those eyes of ice of mine. My eyes start to water, a glaze of water flooding on ice. I close them to stop them from pouring down my cheeks.

I hate myself
I don't deserve to live
I hate myself
I wanna kill myself
I hate myself
I hate myself...

I fall asleep with those 3 words repeating in my mind
And over
I wake up to Mom stepping on my stomach. I gasp for breath.

"Wake up, idiot!" Mom yelled. Mom knocked the wind out of me. I struggled for a breath. I squeezed one in. I quickly stood up but fell back down. I try to stand up again this time slower and manage to stand up shakily as if one gust of wind would knock me over. Then I limp down the stairs to get ready for school.

As I walk through the school gates Nellie, Emma, and Noah came up to me. I looked at the ground, wanting to run away from them, but for some reason, my feet were planted to the concrete, not able to budge.  "Can we have your phone number?" asked Noah. I didn't have a phone. My parents would never ever buy me a phone.

I crouch on the ground and with the wood chip I wrote 'I don't have a phone'. Then I look up at them. "Oh," Noah said, reading the words while running a hand through his blonde locks.

Then I fell from my crouch, slamming on the concrete, my head knocking against it, pain shooting through my head. I couldn't stand up. The bruises from the beating yesterday hurt too bad. The cuts stung too sharply. It hurt.

My whole body ached with pain enabling me to gather any strength to stand up and run away. Why do my parents do this to me? Why? It's true that I was an accident. It's true that they never wanted me. It's true they remind me of that every day. But I've heard of people who accidentally had a kid but they still loved the kid like it wasn't an accident. Why do my parents treat me like this? Why do they hate me so much. If they hate me so much, why didn't they just give me up to foster care system?

Because they enjoy hurting me.

"Evelyn!" Nellie, Emma, and Noah yelled, shocked. I curled into a ball, trying to keep safe.

I wasn't.

Then more people started coming over. Then more. Then even more. There was a big crowd around me, confused whispers. Well to be honest, it wasn't that big. But it felt big. Too big. 7 people was too big. I could here shouts like, "Whats wrong!?" or "Are you ok!?" or "Why are you laying on the floor!?" and "Is she hurt?"

Yes. Yes, I'm hurt.

I couldn't move. I couldn't budge. Even if i wanted to. I was too scared.
So many people.
They can hurt me.
They can kill me.
Maybe that wouldn't be so bad.

The people around me suffocate me.

A wall closing in.

Coming closer and closer.

The air stifling.

No air to breathe.

'Go away. Go away. Go away. Go away. Go away. Go away,' I chant over in over in my head.

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