Chapter 9

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Noah's POV

Practice had been going on for awhile now. The boys were actually pretty nice. Sure, I could already tell they were the classic party players but hey, I'm used to those people. That's what I was expected to be back in California.

They have been inviting me to sit with them but I've been declining them with a polite 'maybe another day'. I didn't want to ditch Nellie and Emma and I wanted to focus on helping Evelyn.

I wasn't really sure exactly what to do. I could call the police but if Evelyn doesn't talk to them will the police believe me if I have no proof?

Dammit, I should've recorded what I saw the other day. What's wrong with me?

Wouldn't the best way to get Evelyn's parents out of her life for good be to get the police at her house at the right time to see what's going on in that household with their own eyes?

But what if the time that the police get there isn't right when the pain is happening?

"50," Jordyn, the quarterback and the guy whose spotting me right now in the weight room, counted. "I think you're good, Noah. You're face is red as fuck."

I set the weight down and get up to spot him next.

"So you're from Southern California, right?" Jordyn asks, laying down and grabbing the weight.

"Yeah, we just moved here several days ago." I shoot out my hand to stabilize the metal bar when he wobbled a bit.

"Do you surf?" He grunts through lifting the weights.

I grin down at him. "I did everyday."

Jordyn raises his eyebrows. "Did you compete?"

"Yeah, I did, actually."

"Did you win?" Jordan sets the bar down and sits up, wiping the sweat off his forehead with the hem of his t-shirt.

I nod.

Jordyn mimics my nod. "Just a nod, really? Care to elaborate on your surfing wins?"

I laugh. "Yeah, I mean, I definitely won a lot. Surfing was a huge part of my life so I guess I'm pretty decent," I shrug. I wasn't cocky about my surfing. Sure, I'm good. But I could always be better. I don't like to be comfortable in my abilities. I like to keep working harder and getting better.

I wasn't really sure how Jordyn feels about me. He's the current starting quarterback but coach has been putting me in a lot and I honestly feel really bad.

My first game with them was on Friday and it went really well. Jordyn and I had become pretty good friends and surprisingly, he wasn't angry when coach had me start as quarterback our past game. We got an equal amount of playing time so he didn't seem upset about it.

I wanted to apologize for starting instead of him but I wasn't sure how to do it without him feeling weird about it so I just kept my mouth shut. I didn't think apologizing would help the situation anyways.

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