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A woman picked up a note from the ground. It had been buried under dirt but she saw it now for she had been raking at the dirt, planting seeds for new trees to grow, green and lovely. Now, she picked up the note. It was crumpled. Very crumpled. There were faint letters, letters that looked like they had been written a long time ago and had been worn away. But she was still able to read it.

It shouldn't hurt to be a child, is what it read. She wasn't sure what to do. She wasn't sure wether to make a big deal of it. But she did what her extinct told her to do. She went to the office to show it to the attendant with the question whirling around her head of 'What if someone needs help?' The attendant looked at it and immediately realization came to her face.

The attendant pointed. "That girl must have wrote it," she said. The woman looked over at this girl she was pointing at. The girl had her hand slipped into a boy's hand and was smiling, laughing along with the boy. Beside her were two girls and another guy that were laughing with them. There was a knowing look in her eye like she had gone through too much but the bright happiness swirling in her eyes like the ocean was clear with her happy laughter.

"She came a long way from last year," the attendant said.


Hi! I decided to do a bonus because why not?I think I'll do two more bonuses! Hope you like it! :)

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