Chapter 13

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Evelyn's POV

It's been a month since I had my first hug. I'm talking regularly. Not much to other people but to my friends and new family. And I hugged Emma and my new mother which delighted both of them. I've been improving a lot.

The Noah situation is weird. I've been more distant to him. And he seems hurt. But I'm too scared. The spark scared me. I hate seeing him hurt. It hurts me. And I hate pain. But I'm scared to get close to him. If he can cause me pain....I just...I just can't. I'm scared of pain. Anxious scared. Scared to the point where at night I have flashbacks of my parents hurting me. I lay stone cold and frozen on my bed in cold sweat, my eyes burning, wide, spinning saucers. The flashbacks are the worst. My therapist says I have PTSD. I wish I could just get rid of it.

I was with Noah, Emma, and Nellie right now. We were snacking on fruit, a food that I've never had before my parents were arrested. I was sitting on the opposite side of the couch of Noah, trying to maximize the space between us. I looked over at him.

He was gorgeous with his messy blonde hair, tan skin, and strong, tall figure. And he had done so much for me. And he was such a sweet soul. The kindest person I've ever met. And-

The spark came back. I yelped.

"You ok?" Noah jumped up. Nellie looked on guard and Emma stared intently at me.

"Yeah," I whispered. And then realization came to me like a wave flowing over me.

I like Noah.
More than just a friend.
That's what the sparks are. I've never had such a feeling. Such a weird, scary but warm feeling.
It scared me. Noah...he has so much power over what I feel.

What if he breaks me like my parents did?

I couldn't keep the curiosity in. It was bubbling up inside me and threatening to burst out. I looked over at Noah and without thinking, I blurted:

"What if you break me?"

Noah looks taken aback by my blunt question, considering I was the exact opposite of blunt. But he comes back to his senses. "Evelyn." He scoots over to me. "I will never break you. Ok? You hear me. I will always be here for you. No matter what." He takes my hand and I let him.

I look at his crystal blue eyes that hold so much warmth. We stay locked in each other's gaze for a while. Locked in warmth, locked in safety.

"Noah...I like you," I barely whisper in a stutter.

Noah smiles warmly at me. He sighs a sigh of relief. "I like you too," he says delicately back. "Can I hug you?"

I nod. And Noah wraps me in the hugest hug. It's comfortable. It's safe. It's warming. And the best part? It's from Noah.

I rest my head on his strong chest and lay there as he plays with my hair. He cautiously places his lips on the top of my head and when I stay there, not pulling away from him in the slightest because it's safe here in his arms, he rests his lips there, his nose nuzzled into my hair.


It's been months since I first hugged Noah.

And yes, we're dating now.

And I'm happy. I'm truly, truly happy. And so is he.

I'm healing and I'm talking and I'm smiling and I'm making more friends.

But best of all?

I've got Nellie, Emma, and of course, Noah.

"Alright, tell me something serious. Something serious about you. Not just about the lighthearted guy whose always making everyone laugh and smile that you are all the time," I say laying my head on Noah's muscular stomach.

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