Chapter 14

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I'm smiling to myself after getting an A+ on my last math test while standing at my locker trying to find my math book when Noah came over. I turned to look at him as he gives me a crooked smile. "So I wanted to plan something big because I feel really lame right now. But I know you're not the kind of girl who loves a huge attention grabbing spectacle. So I'm just going to ask you. Because I think that's what you want. And that's all I need. Just you."

I look at him curiously as an adorable blush rises up in his cheeks.

"Evelyn, will you go to prom with me?" he asks, his eyes hopeful.

I've never smiled so wide. "Yes! A million times yes!" I hug him tightly, a burst of happiness spreading through me. I hit him lightly on the chest. "You dork, why do you look so nervous?"

He sticks out his bottom lip in a pout. "I wanted to do something special but I know how you feel about big spectacles. I just feel lame just asking you and giving you a little present." He sticks his arm out and hands me a gift bag with tissue paper covering what's inside.

"Noah, you know you're right about me hating attention grabbing spectacles. So thank you. Thank you for just asking me. Because that's all I want. All I need. And I don't need this gift, silly."

He grins at me putting his hands on my hips. "Trust me, I think you'll like it." He wraps me in a tight hug and I lean into him, getting a waft of his cologne that I love so much.

I decided I would never look back. I would never look back at my past. I would go forward. Keep my eyes straight ahead. I wouldn't let my past affect me. I wouldn't let it stop me from normal teenage things. I won't do that. I'm going to find myself. My true self. I'm going to be happy. After all, I've already went through too much pain for a lifetime. I may as well not let that pain affect me for the rest of my life.

I know I can't just make it go away. I can't just make it have no affect on me. But I can focus on all the love I have in my life now. And that's more than enough.


At the dance, I swayed to the beat of the music in Noah's arms. His arms were strong around me and the safest place in the world to me. I placed my hands on his defined chest and breathed in

Noah tips his head down, his sparkling blue eyes looking straight into mine with so much intensity and care. "I really love you."

"I really love you too," I said. Then we leaned in and kissed each other, his breaths becoming mine and mine becoming his.

Thanks you so much for reading! I really hoped you enjoyed this book! I'll be adding bonuses and maybe even some more chapters!

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