Chapter 12

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'What happens to me now?' I wrote in the dirt, my hand shaking with shock.

"You get adopted," said Nellie.

'By who?' I write.

"I can ask my parents. They've always wanted another kid," Nellie said with a smile.

I smiled a little more. My third step in my marathon.

I stay over at Nellie's house that night and Nellie wakes me up in the morning with a bright smile. "They said yes!! You're my sister now!! I mean, once we do all the papers but we are sisters now!!!! Technically," Nellie squealed.

I smile. A tear rolls down my cheek. A happy tear. A warm tear. A tear that is slowly melting my frozen eyes.

After school I walked home with Nellie. My nerves were spiked and I took a deep breath to try and calm myself a little. I was going to meet my new family officially. Yesterday I didn't really meet them. I was in too much of a shaken state so Nellie told her mom my story and then told her we would do the formal meeting stuff tomorrow.

So today would be my first day meeting them. Nellie rings the doorbell. A woman, man, and little girl open the door. Nellie explained earlier to me that Allie was her little sister. The woman smiles big at me. I try and smile a bit back. The family looks so excited.

And I'm excited too. Nervous, but excited.

"Welcome to the family, Evelyn!" Nellie's mom cheers. "I'm Allie's, Nellie's, and your mom!" Nellie's mom said. Right, she is my mom too now. That'll take some getting used to. In a good way though.

Another smile. Another step in my marathon.

"We are so glad to have you here," Nellie's dad cheered.

"My name is Caroline," said Nellie's mom.

"And my name is Fred," Nellie's dad said.

"And my name is Allie. I'm 5!" said Nellie's little sister, putting her hand up and showing how old she is with her fingers.

I nodded politely at each of them my lips pulling up slightly at how adorable Allie is.

"Lemme show you to your room, darling!" said Caroline.

Her perky demeanor was a lot to take in. But I liked it. It was warm and welcoming.

I followed Caroline upstairs with Nellie right beside me. "It's right next to Nellie's room!" said Caroline stopping in front of a door. Caroline opened the door. The walls were white and cheerful and the bed had a light blue cover and the floor was covered in tan colored carpet. The room was cozy...something I wasn't used to. And I liked it.

I smiled and nodded as a thank you. I collapsed onto the bed. A bed. Holy crap, an actual bed! I have an actual bed now!

I sat down on the bed and mouthed the words 'thank you' to my new mother. She smiled at me.

She said, "We love you, honey."

That was the first time someone told me they loved me.


Five weeks passed by. I hadn't talked yet but I let Noah touch my hand a few more times and I let Nellie lay her hand on my shoulder whenever we sat next to each other.

I carried a notepad around with a pencil in order to communicate with Noah, Nellie, and Emma. My 3 friends. That's right. I've got friends now. Real friends. They care for me. And I care for them.

Nellie's parents were working diligently on the paperwork to legally adopt me and they told me everyday how happy they were to have me.

Child services organized for me to have a therapist. I have an appointment every week where I write on a notepad and she talks to me.
She tells me what I went through wasn't my fault. I don't believe her though. Not yet at least. She tells me not everyone will hurt me like my parents did. I believe her. Not completely. But a bit. I think when I believe that 100 percent I'll be able to talk and touch. Because then I'll be sure that not everyone is going to hurt me. That I'm going to be ok. Be safe.

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