Chapter 5

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Noah's POV

"Well, Noah Brooks. I am definitely willing to give you a try out. If you've got talent you're in. I'll meet you on the field after school. 3 pm sharp," Coach Lake informs me from across his wooden desk.

Lake. What a fitting surname for Michigan.

I nod politely and thank him before exiting his office.

Instead of going to my last period class I lift weights in the weight room. It's been a week since I've done that and although I don't think I've lost muscle yet, I definitely will if I don't start doing this more often.

The dreaded 3:00 comes and I can't ignore the nervous pit in my stomach.

"Mom!" I rush into the house dropping my backpack onto the stairway for me to pick up later when I go upstairs.

"What's up, Noah?"

"Guess who's on the varsity team?" I say with a wide grin.

"Oh my God, honey!" Mom rushes over to me and wraps me in a tight hug. I laugh and put my arms around her. She pulls back after a minutes and says, "I knew you could do it, honey. What did I tell you?"

After the coach had made me run through a whole bunch of throws and drills and catches and everything he had sat me down in his office and looked at me thoughtfully.

"Well, Noah. You're even better than I expected and I had heard you're good. I want you to not only be on the varsity team, but I want you to be my starting quarterback," he had said.

I had stared at him with wide eyes as I suddenly realized I would be taking someone's place. And I didn't want that.

"We'll give it a week or two and see how things go before I put you as the starting quarterback. You've got a bright future ahead of you, Brooks."


Mom comes over and gives me a kiss on the forehead. I look into her green eyes and see just how proud of me she really is and that couldn't make me happier.

I watch the kids show playing on the TV that Laylie's engrossed in but to say that I was paying attention to it would be a lie. I was really thinking about Evelyn, thoughts whirling through my head on how to help her. The police need evidence or either Evelyn to talk.

Something told me evidence would be easier and more clear and obvious for the police to know for sure.

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