Chapter 4

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We head down to the street quickly but quietly and make our way to their vehicle but half way there we find Daryl's brother... The walkers got Him.

"Daryl I'm so sorry, I really am." I say to Him as I place my hand on His shoulder but He smacks away my arm.

"Fuck this shit come on Isaac, lets go." I say when He takes ahold of my hand as we walk over to the truck and wait. Glen comes over to talk to Isaac and I while T-Dog and Rick try to calm Daryl down. I didn't catch the whole conversation just the part where Rick tells Daryl that He had no right to do that to me and should be ashamed of Himself. When they walk over they see Glen and Isaac playing a quiet game of tag.

"Laicey... I'm sorry I..." Daryl starts to say but I just hold up my arm and show Him the mark that gonna bruise, not that I care it didn't hurt.

"Awwe shit I'm really freaking sorry I..." I cut Him off again by this time I kiss Him on the cheek.

"It's okay Daryl, I understand and know what you're going through." I say to Him and He blushes.

"I didn't mean to hit you. I really am sorry about that." I smile at Him.

"It's fine Daryl really it is just don't it again because I will hit back next time." He smiles at Me.

"Fair enough." He tells me and then we all get in the truck and head to their camp. When we get there I become nervous and I'm not really sure why so I hesitate to follow the others. Rick goes over to a woman and child who must be His wife and son, Glen stands by a stripped mustang, T-Dog goes and sits down by a woman and Daryl starts to walk but stops.

"You coming?" He says to me and I give Him this look that says I don't really want to but then Rick calls over.

"Laicey, come meet everyone." 'Damn you Rick' I think to myself.

"Well now I guess I have to." I say with a sigh and Daryl holds out His hand and I take it, Isaac walks hiding behind me while holding my other hand. There's a lot of people here.

"Did you say Her name was Laicey?" Amy asks Rick quietly.

"Yeah I did why?" He asks back but His question gets answered when Amy stands up and screams.

"Laicey??? OH MY GOD!!" I look at this girl running towards me.

"OH MY GOD!! AMY!!" I cry back as she collides with me giving me a huge hug.

"I thought you were dead. Where's..." I shake my head before She can ask.

"Oh Laicey... I'm so sorry... Isaac is that you?! Come here buddy." She says as he peeks His head around my leg.

"Amy you're alive!" He says with a smile as He gives her a hug. I look around and everyone's staring at me.

"Uhm... Hello." I say kinda quietly.

"Amy who's your friend and Her son?" A blonde woman asks.

"Oh Andrea this is Laicey, my best friend who I went to college with. This little guy is Her nephew Isaac Morrison." Amy says introducing us. A few minutes later everyone seems to notice Daryl and I are holding hands.

"Daryl did you know Laicey from before all of this as well?" An older gentleman asks and I blush.

"No I met Her today. Why?" He asks and I couch as I hold up out hands.

"Oh." He says and blushes too.

"Leave them alone Dale." This woman says (I later found out Her name is Jackie) I smile at Her.

"So Laicey where were you hiding at in the city?" Dale asks.

"My apartment, I found these guys three buildings away from it." I reply.

"What were you doing running around the city?" Andrea asks.

"Well during one of my searches for supplies I got separated from Isaac and lost Him. He was gone for a few days and I wasn't giving up till I found Him." I say as I smile down at Isaac.

"She's like a damn bobcat, she was jumping across the roof tops like it was nothing." Glen says still amazed by that and Amy and I laugh.

"You should've seen Her at the gym." Amy says with another laugh.

"I miss the gym believe it or not." I tell Her and Amy asks me to walk with Her to the RV and Isaac follows.

"Laicey I think Daryl likes you.. Alot." She says with a grin on Her face.

"I think you're nuts Amy." I say with a laugh.

"Well He keeps lookin over here every five seconds. Watch. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. See I told you." I laugh quietly at Her.

"Glad to see this whole thing hasn't changed you but that doesn't prove anything." She rolls Her eyes.

"Have I ever been wrong about stuff like that?" She asks knowing damn well she's never been wrong.

"No.. No you have not. We'll just have to see about that one though." We laugh.

"He is sexy that's for sure." I say sneaking a chance to look at him.

I hear Amy's muffled laughter from inside the RVs bathroom.

"You haven't changed either." She says and I laugh with Her.

"What's so funny Aunt Laicey?" Isaac asks.

"Nothing little man just girl talk that's all." I tell Him.

"Okay." He says with a smirk on His face.

"Whats that smirk for?" I ask Him.

"You like Daryl don't you Aunt Laicey." Nothing gets passed this kid.

"Yes I do, keep that a secret okay?" I say to Him.

"I will I promise." He hugs me as He tells me that as Amy walks out of the bathroom and we go rejoin the others.

My experience in the zombie apocalypse (The Walking Dead fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now