Chapter 8

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Daryl and I continue to chop firewood, well he chopped it and I carried it over by the RV.

I noticed Shane is watching me so I glare at him which causes him to look away.

Once I head back over to Daryl Shane starts watching me again.

After about 45 minutes of this I finally snap at him.

"What the fuck are you staring at?" I say as I close the distance between us.

"Quite the attitude on this one huh?" He says with a laugh.

"It's a free country, I'm allowed to look wherever I want." He starts to smile.

"Stop staring at me like that you fuckin creep." I'm starting to feel my anger reaching it's peak.

"Who wouldn't stare at you, there's alot to look at." He says with a grin.

"Besides that I'm trying to figure out why the hell any woman would choose a guy like Daryl Dixon over me." I just roll my eyes and walk away while flipping him off.

"I don't like him either." Daryl says, standing there with his arms crossed over his chest.

"He's an arrogant piece of shit who thinks he's gods gift to women and trust me, he's not." I say as I pick the axe up and swing hard onto a piece of wood.

When we finish up we head with the group of women down to the quarry to do laundry. Daryl and Isaac head a little farther down from us to look for frogs and skip rocks.

"So Laicey, about the time you had Shane in the submissive hold... it was hilarious. I never got to tell you that." She says giggling.

"You gave him a taste of his own medicine for what he did to Daryl the day they told him about his brother Merle." Amy chimes in.

"He did what to Daryl?" I ask as I sit next to the water.

Shane had Daryl in a headlock because he freaked out over them handcuffing Merle to the roof, which was bullshit to begin with." Amy says as she furiously scrubs the shirt in her hand.

"Wow what an asshole. I definitely don't feel bad about what I did now." I say while trying to keep my temper under control.

"I overheard shane talking to Rick about you right before you walked over and called him out on his shit. He's super jealous that you picked Daryl over him and he swears you two will end up together." Jackie says in a low voice so Daryl doesn't overhear.

"Oh my god, we are dealing with the zombie apocalypse and while on top of that some of the men that are left are full of themselves and fucking stupid." I throw the shirt I had in my hands on the ground and stand up while the girls burst into laughter.

Once back at camp I help Daryl and Amy cook lunch for everyone while Isaac went and played close by with the other kids.

I take the job of handing out the plates of food to everyone so when it got to Shane I didn't look at him as I handed him his plate and turn to walk away.

He grabs my wrist before I get to take even one step.

"Is there something wrong with your memory? Did you forget what happened last time you grabbed me?" I say while continuing to not look at him.

"No, I remember just fine and know damn well you won't do it again." He throws back at me so I rip my arm out of his grasp and try to leave again but he stands up and grabs my upper arm this time all the while not making eye contact.

"Look at me." He says as he squeezes my arm harder.

"No, I don't think I will." I reply back and take notice at how many people are looking at the scene playing out before them.

"I SAID LOOK AT ME!" His anger burning brightly in his eyes.

"No." I simply say and that's when punches me in the mouth. I rip my arm out of his grasp yet again and move a couple steps away before I turn and plant my boot upside his face. The kick knocked him out and immediately after he hit the ground I kicked him hard in the ribs before handing my plate to Uncle Jim and head to the RV with Daryl following close behind.

My experience in the zombie apocalypse (The Walking Dead fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now