xxvii. TWITTER

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lolsen: i wish i was, i wish i waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas... mary jane watson! but i'm not. 

tomholland1996: lolsen too bad

lolsen: tomholland1996 yeah, but see, marvel still hasn't discovered me so i can't me. smh.

tomholland1996: lolsen you'd have to dye your hair though...

lolsen: tomholland1996 my hair is dyed right now??

tomholland1996: lolsen oh that was you on the picture?

lolsen: tomholland1996 yep, you moron. i'm kicking you out of #teamfab

tomholland1996: lolsen noooooo pls don't i'll make it up to you

lolsen: #teamfab is now accepting one member. any inquires sent to tom.holland@yahoo.com. thank you.

tomholland1996: lolsen that's not my email account...

lolsen: tomholland1996 psst no one has to know that

beatriceedwige: just to tell everybody, lolsen really does think she's mary jane. she's just waiting on her peter parker.

username: beatriceedwige I VOLUNTEER!!!

username: beatriceedwige i thought she was dating tom??

username: beatriceedwige username why does everyone think they're dating, they're not, tom's dating ellie and she's dating adam

username: beatriceedwige hasn't she got adam already?

username: beatriceedwige username no, but they'd totally make a cute couple #adamei

username: beatriceedwige username i ship it but let's call them #moolsen or #moorelei

username: username username oh my god you're fucking sick, they're just friends, #tomelei for life

beatriceedwige: i have the need to address something. #lorelice

[i'm going on holiday tomorrow for a week and i don't know if i'll be able to update]

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