lxi. CALL

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"tom, can you believe that the first time i meet zendaya i'm sick, look like a mess and drunk?"

"well, ugh, yeah, actually."

"shit you not, it's going to happen."

"you haven't met her yet?"

"no, she's coming with bea right now."


"i'm gonna stay in my room."


"and not get out."

"zendaya's cool, she won't mind."

"i look like a mess!"

"harrison said you're cute."

"he did? tell him he's pretty."

"boys aren't pretty."

"he is."

"and what am i?"


"really? gorgeous?"

"oh shit, i said that out loud?"

"[laugh] you're a mess."

"shit, tommy, i can't meet zen like this."


"zendaya. [silence] does she like when people call her zen?"

"um, no."

"aw, shit. [silence] shit, shit, i can hear them coming. shit, what do i do?"

"go out and be a normal human being?"

"dammit, tom."


"i can't. i'm a mess."

"yeah, but-"

"ah, whatever. i'm gonna die one day anyway."

"okay, maybe this isn't the best idea."


"don't go out there. i'm sure zendaya'll understand."

"i'm confused."

"[laugh] you're drunk."

"well, duh."

"you're silly when you're drunk."

"i am?"

"yes, very."


"and you get emotional."

"i'm not emotional."

"yes, you are. especially when you're drunk."

"but i'm just a little bit tipsy."



"stay in bed and get better. you still sound terrible."

"i hate you."

"i think it's the opposite. anyway, i gotta go now. i'll check on you in an hour or so. don't do anything stupid, okay?"

"yeah, okay."

"bye, lor."


[these two act like a married couple at times ffs]

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