li. CALL

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"[yawn] hi."

"you again."

"[laugh] missed me?"

"of course."

"so, i'm calling because i'm at bea's and she's filming and you're obviously not and i'm kinda bored."

"every time you call me you're bored."

"yep, and it's late every time."

"right. because you got nothing else to do."

"well, i was thinking we could grab a drink or something?"

"i-i'm not feeling well today, actually. maybe some next time."

"oh, right. yeah, yeah, sure."

"[silence] so, what are you doing?"

"trying to find food in bea's apartment. i ate everything that was in the fridge."

"second cupboard to the left above the stove, highest shelf. she keeps some snacks there."

"oh, really? [feet tapping the floor, quick breathing, muttering, sighing, something falling, grunting]"

"you okay there?"

"[swearing under breath] of course i had to fall. i got the snacks, though!"

"[laugh] jerk."

"oh, shut up. [crunching] jesus, these are so good."

"i know, right? she keeps them hidden there and thinks no one knows but whenever we come over we eat a bit, but she probably still hasn't noticed."

"probably. [crunching, moaning] oh my god, i'm in heaven - sorry, right, yeah, she's like that. she doesn't notice little things."

"wait a sec."


"[music playing in the background, footsteps, something closing, footsteps, bed creaking, crunching, heavy breathing] i'm back."

"is that the neighbourhood?"

"[laugh] i heard you playing it the other night when you thought i was asleep."

"wait . . . you weren't asleep?"

"i was. for a while. then i woke up and you were sleeping and they were playing."

"is that baby come home?"


"i hate you. i hate that song. i'm gonna cry."

"don't cry. want me to change the song?"

"no, i'm just a bit emotional. that's it. it's a nice song."

"yeah, it really is."

"[crunching, silence] you know, you're probably tired."

"kind of."

"go to sleep."


"i'm tired."


"so . . . we doing it again?"


"the thing?"

"the thing?"

"[sigh] yeah, the thing where we just fall asleep with our phones on."

"do you want to?"

"if it's not a problem. i don't like being alone when i'm not at home."

"[yawn] sure."


"no problem."

"just keep the music on, please."

"won't you be too emotional?"

"[laugh] piss off, tom."

"right. fine. wait, are we napping or sleeping?"

"i don't know. we'll see."


"[yawn] night, tom."

"it's not cool when you say that. what if we get bored and want to talk more?"

"[yawn, sleepy] shut . . . up . . ."

"i'm serious."


"hey, do you like the 1975?"

[rhythmic heavy breathing]

"or years & years?"

[rhythmic heavy breathing]

"lor? are you really asleep already?"

[heavy rhythmic breathing]

"right . . . okay, then. night, lor."

[screw 'okay? okay.', this is the real thing]

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