xxxviii. INSTAGRAM

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queenofsuburbia: and so model becomes the photographer

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queenofsuburbia: and so model becomes the photographer. photoshoot with missbluee few days ago. love her x

tagged; missbluee

98k likes, 568 comments

username: why does she think she's a photographer now?? stay in front of the camera, girl

username: um awkward username

missbluee: i miss you toooooo lor xxx

queenofsuburbia: i'm pretty sure his middle name is patience because we wandered around the country for hours until we found the perfect spot

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queenofsuburbia: i'm pretty sure his middle name is patience because we wandered around the country for hours until we found the perfect spot. #friendshipgoals or #modelgoals?

tagged; ciaranlahey

102k likes, 783 comments

username: what a hoe

username: give me your skills!!

username: why is she surrounded with so many hot guys and i get none

username: because she looks like a goddess??? username

username: ahh true username

queenofsuburbia: while i'm still in the yellow mood, here's an old selfie

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queenofsuburbia: while i'm still in the yellow mood, here's an old selfie

73k likes, 236 comments

adamthebest: ISN'T THAT MY SWEATER


beaedwige: kewt

tomholland2013: so much yellow hurts my eyes

shawshawmofo: agreed tomholland2013

queenofsuburbia: back off, jerks tomholland2013 shawshawmofo adamthebest

queenofsuburbia: thank you 💙 beaedwige

beaedwige: lmao i was joking you suck 

queenofsuburbia: i give up beaedwige

[aye i posted a stranger things fic, check it out. also if i wrote a sebastian stan short story (not social media) would anyone read it?]

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