xliii. CALL

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"hey, tom. [leaves crunching]"

"[shuffling, bed creaking] what the hell is going on? where are you?"

"[sniffle] i'm fine. i just needed a little time off."

"jesus christ. [sigh] everyone's looking for you."

"i know."

"what are you doing?"

"i don't know. [breathing accelerating]"

"what is going on ? are you okay?"


"[silence] are you crying?"

"[sniffle, shaky breath] maybe."

"oh god, what happened?"


"where are you?"

"i don't know."

"it's - it's okay. you're gonna be okay."

"how do you know? [sniffle]"

"i don't - lor, okay, breathe. you're okay."


"why did you call me?"

"i wanted to hear your voice."



"why don't you tell everyone you're okay?"

"i don't know."

"are you drunk?"

"a little."

"[shuffle] jesus. okay. fuck. i'm gonna-"

"can i tell you something?"

"[silence] ye-yeah, sure."

"i'm scared."

"it's okay, lor. but you need to get back. i'm telling everyone you're okay, but you need to do that, too."

"i just want to be alone."

"that's - that's okay."


"[silence] did something happen?"

"not really."

"lor, what's going on?"

"[silence] i don't know. [sniffle, accelerated breathing] i fucked up this time, tom, i really did."

"hey, he - hey, it's gonna be alright. you didn't do anything wrong."

"i did so many things wrong, tom, you wouldn't know. i can't do that anymore."

"do what?"

"be okay."

"lor, it's three am. nobody's okay at three am."

"but you are."

QUEEN OF SUBURBIA | tom holland [✓]Where stories live. Discover now