Chapter 20: The Journey Of Love

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A/N:This is a "Worth The Wait" Special with 3 Chapters..
So. here we go..
Your POV

I'm packing my things before our flight in Paris tonight..
Phineas and Ferb, with the rest of the gang, just finished their work of the day, and I really enjoying it..

Before I go to bathroom to take a shower and change clothes before going to Paris tomorrow, I checked my list of things to bring..

√ Shirt
√ Hygiene Kit
√ Gadget
√ Food When Got Hungry

I'm ready for the flight...

After I finished my Bath and Changed my clothes, I brought my things to the frontyard and put it on the car..

I get back to my room and bring my necklace, with the carve of my name..

"C'mon! (Y/N)",Dad shouted

"On the Way, Dad!"

Before I go, It feels like..

I'm gonna be missing something around this place..

I ran to the car and I suddenly looked on the house near us..

"Have a safe trip, (Y/N!)",Phineas shouted at the window and he waved his hand
I say goodbye to them and waved my hand..

After 20 minutes, we are now in the airport..
After almost a hour of waiting for our flight..
Finally, were boarding..

"Flight A234 to Paris,France, now boarding"

2nd POV

After your family get into the plane, you seat alone in a seat near the window..

You are looking on the window, saw the airport, and maybe, missing Danville..

And the flight is on board..

A long flight is now flying..

You are listening to your favorite song, and remembering all the things that happened..

Still, looking at the window, seeing the skies, and the sea down the skies..

And, after almost a day..
You and your family are now in Paris...

Also called "The City Of Love"

Maybe you can find your love there...
After your family arrived at the hotel, and checked in a room, you suddenly fell asleep

An Hour Later...

It's the middle of the night, when you wake up, you seem to smell delicious food on your room..

Your POV

I must have been asleep for long, what a tiring flight, I really want to see Paris by now..

I went outside the room and followed that sweet smell..

And, suddenly, I end up in the dining room, seeing foods, very delicious foods, from all over the world, I could really get so hungry, I think I can't get stuffed..

I took a dish, and eat the food..

I taste it one time..

"Woah, this is so Perfecto!",I continue to eat the food and enjoy and enjoy..

"Hi (Y/N)!!",Phineas' Family are now in the hotel..

"Wow!, I'm so surprised, you are so early here!",I told them

"Where's Candace?",I asked

"Oh, Candace went first to Italy, she is with Jeremy, they are going on a date together",Phineas told me

"I wish that we could be like them..",I slightly whispered

"What did you just say?",Phineas asked

"Oh, I mean, I think they really love each other",I answered

Candace's POV

Oh yeah, A time to be with my Jeremy!!

I can't help myself shouting with joy!!

After a long flight, we have arrived at Italy, one of my favorite place to visit

At the airport..

"Ah! were at Venice, I can't believe it!",I shouted when were at the outside of the airport...

"Candace, were gonna go to a hotel, then have some time together, did you tell your parents that you are now here?",Jeremy told me

"Oh, yeah, I already texted them that we are in Venice already, I'm really excited to visit this place, its gonna be awesome!, especially with you Jeremy",I told him

Here's the taxi..

We get-into the taxi..

"To the nearest but not so expensive hotel in Venice",I told the driver

Your POV

"Hi Isabella!",She opened the door

"Hi Baljeet! Hi Bufford!"

"Hi (Y/N)!",they greeted so happily

"Wanna go travel around the streets of Paris?",I asked

"Oh, that would be great!, c'mon now!",Isabella said

"Phineas and Ferb are coming, too",I told them

Candace's POV

We are now at the hotel..

"Wow!, this is beautiful!, I wish we could buy this hotel!",I was amazed by the beauty of the hotel

"Let's go!",We ran to our room and when we get there..

"Woah!",I was amazed by the beauty of the room

And it was near the Venice Lake, I don't care what do they call that..

"I wanna sail on the boat now!",I shouted

"Calm down for now, Candace, before the sunset, we can sail thay boat and be romantic",Jeremy told me

Your POV

"Wow, I'm really enjoying the place, it is so beautiful!",I told them while we are walking to the streets on Paris

"Oooh, a love lock!",I saw a love lock hanged on the wall

"It says on the pamphlet here, that Paris' LoveLock represents that a couple name written in the lock and put it on the love lock wall, it says that your love will get strong, and your love will hold each others hands through the years",Baljeet explained

"Maybe, I could put my name here, with someone else",I whispered


"I'm just kidding, let's go, I think the Eifel Tower is just near here",I told them

And we continue to wander around the streets of Paris..
Oh, I'm really enjoying the place!!, literally!!

To Be Continued..

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