Chapter 24: Secret Life Of Pets

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Just a little bit info:
F/P- Favorite Pet

Your POV

Oh, what a good day for me!

I'm so excited for what's happening today!, I hope the two will make a machine that transports me to the future.

I'm at the house now of Phineas and Ferb and I'm sitting still and looking pretty in the tree.

"Hey Bufford!,"I greeted

"Hi (Y/N)!,"Baljeet greeted me

"She's not talking to you, she is talking to me,"Bufford look at Baljeet angrily

"Oh Hey Guys!, what you doin'?,"Isabella greeted

"We are just waiting for the Stars of The Morning,"I said

"Good Morning Ladies and Gents, I know what we are gonna do today!,"Phineas greeted with joy

"So, were planning to make a machine that can turn us into a pet, it is the.. "Petialazer!", it will turn us into pets that we like, like a dog or a platypus,"Phineas explained

Oh My Goodness!, I always want to be an animal, I would like maybe a dog, cat?

"So, let's start working, wait, Where's Perry?",Phineas asked

And yeah, were starting to work on the machine, oh it's going to be great.

After a few minutes, were finally done!, and I'm so excited to try out this one!

"So who comes first?,"Phineas asked

"Me!,"I shouted

"So, what pet would you like to be?,"Phineas asked while I'm walking towards the machine

"The cutest (F/P) for me please!,"I gladfully answered

"Order comes!,"Phineas said

And I'm starting to feel it..

"Order Up!,"Phineas said

And finally!, I'm now a (F/P)!

"You really look cute (Y/N),"Phineas said to me

I feel blushing after he said that to me, he's really cute when he says that to me!

"I Love You, Phineas,"I whispered

And they continue to zap themselves with the machine until were done..

Bufford was a squirel.

Baljeet was a cute white dog.

Isabella was a cute white cat, honestly, were both beautiful.

Ferb was a german sheperd, cause it's his favorite dog breed.

Phineas was a platypus, seriously?!, but he is still cute for me

"So, let's see what's the secret life of pets here at Danville, I wonder what is the secret life of Perry here in Danville?,"Phineas told us

We are starting to walk to the streets of Danville, running around. we are really enjoying the time we have together.

While walking..

"Guys, where's Bufford?,"Isabella asked

"Help!,"someone shouted

Blake's POV

Finally! I'm now the most powerful animal in the world!

I'm now a full half human half animal, all the animals in the world is gonna be crushed!!

Doof's POV

My invention Turn Into Evil Inator is a big success!!

But sadly, I didn't turn Perry the Platypus into evil so I decided just to set him free, I wonder who is the one that I zapped?

Bufford's POV

I was lost in the path and when I woke up, an evil rabbit saw me.

"Who are you evil rabbit?, what are you doing with me?,"I scarily asked

"Ahhh!,"I screamed

"So, after I finished my mind control device, I'm gonna control you and make you my evil minion, and I'm gonna control you and all of the pets here at Danville!!,"he told me

Does his voice sound familiar?

Wait, it is, is he?!, Blake?!

After he left for sometime, I tried to escape from his trap.

I ran so fast and escaped the house.

Your POV

We still suddenly don't know where Bufford is, we just enjoyed walking around Danville, seeing pets playing around the house of their owners, when the owners are not yet around, they are playing Chess, Running the Treadmill and more..

I guess this is the Secret Life Of Pets.

We went to the park and we finally saw Bufford running away with something..

"What's the rush Bufford?,"I asked

"Blake, he's evil, he's a shapeshifting animal, he's trying to control the world!,"Bufford exaggerately said to us

"What do you mean?, Blake is in Venice, how could he get here so fast?,"Phineas asked

"I don't know, just try to deactivate the machine and it will everything back to normal,"Bufford said

We run back to the Backyard, and when we almost deactivated the machine..

"Wait!, don't do that!,"a stranger with a feodora stops us

We suddenly stared into him.

"Who are you?,"I asked

"No need to know my identity, things will only get worst if you deactivate it, just press the self-destruct button, and everything will be back to normal,"He said

"Ok, I'll do it,"Phineas said

Phineas pressed the self-destruct button, and it started an explosion.

Doof's POV

I was drinking a cup of coffee and suddenly, the ground shake for a while..

And I hear an explosion also and a shaky ground..

I looked down and I see my device crashed into peices..

"Curse you Explosion and Shaky Ground!!,"I shouted

"And also Curse you Perry the Platypus!!,"I shouted

Your POV

And were finally back to normal, but still Bufford is really shocked of what he seen..

"Who wants Pie!,"Mrs Flynn shouted

"US!,"WE all shouted

I guess today was a hectic day!!

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