A New Year To Wait: A Worth The Wait Special

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A/N: This is a Ferb Fletcher One-Shot brought to you by JanSimps.
Reader's Age: 15

Worth The Wait Special:
A New Year To Wait



"Ferb!, I know what we're gonna do tonight!." Phineas said to me while I am looking at the window for no reason

Although I didn't have time to speak to someone, I think I have the courage to speak if I am with her.

But, it seems like I'm gonna wait for her forever.

From the way she smile, and the way she looks at me.

I will never forget that.

She's one of the best parts of me.

I go to Phineas and plan for what are we gonna do this New Year.

We are gonna do a large disco ball outside but a large attraction inside the ball.

And as the countdown for New Year started, the ball from above the sky goes down and if the New Year is here, the ball will go down and do some fireworks.

And it will launch in the sky, that's a secret.

It's (Y/N) who completes my Christmas.

I wonder what gift she will give to me this Christmas.

Phineas and I started working on the big New Year Disco Ball.

But as we work with the machine, I suddenly miss (Y/N).

The last New Year's Eve, she gave me chocolates.

After spending some minutes working with the grand surprise for New Year's Eve, we finally put the large surprise to Isabella's Backyard.

Because her backyard is pretty big.



I'm coming home. But not yet.

I'm still on trip at California. Pretty soon I will see him again.

I'm so excited to see him this New Year.

I'm longing for his sweetness to me.



We successfully placed the machine on Isabella's Backyard and we are not gonna outdone ourselves on this one.

I can't wait for the New Year to start.

Although, deep inside my heart is full of sadness because I didn't even see her later this morning.

I sat on the couch near Isabella's pool.

I'd try to cheer up as happy as I can.

"Ferb!, let's go!" Phineas called me when I am sitting at the couch

I stand up and go to the special Disco Ball that we did.

"Wow!" Our friends cheered as we showed them what's inside the large disco ball

And the ball started to go up in the sky.

As Irving enjoying the infinity slide, I sat again on a small spot and my face gets worried again.

Moments passed, and now the countdown to new year has started.

We only have 20 seconds before a new year starts.

I stood up on my place and watch the ball fall down into the ground.



"Ferb!" I called Ferb's name on Isabella's backyard to see him

Maybe I'm kinda late seeing him in minutes before new year.



The countdown for New Year is almost done.






The ball dropped and I now see (Y/N) waiting for me outside the backyard.

My face suddenly become so happy.

And as the ball dropped into the ground, we go out and see the ball reflect its light into every part of Danville.

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!!" we all shouted

And the disco ball launches and fly to the space.

I suddenly go outside the backyard to see her.

And I hugged her so tight when I see her.

"I really miss you." I told her

"Me too." She replied

And we hugged each other again and we hold each others hands.

"Happy New Year to You." We both greeted to each other

That was the best New Year Moment I ever had.

<The End>

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