Chapter 28: A Portal To Mystery

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A/N: This Chappy is gonna be short, maybe 600 words because the Part 2 is gonna be insane..
This is a Phineas And Ferb x Gravity Falls Crossover Story..
Your POV

I've been so happy because of Phineas' Birthday yesterday. We have so much fun partying and enjoying the rest of the night.

But sadly, I almost forgot that in next month, I'm gonna be going home soon.

I guess that summer just really needs to rest for a while.

But I don't need to be sad. I need to believe that even though I'm still staying but not for long.

I am looking at the window seeing the tree of the backyard of Phineas and Ferb.

Gonna miss them so hard.

"(Y/N)!!, come here!, we need you to enjoy the things that we are gonna do today!"Phineas shouted at the backyard while I am looking at them

"I'm coming!"I shouted happily

But deep inside, I feel so sad.

Did Phineas tell anyone about my problem?

I hope he don't, I really trust him so much.

I ran to their backyard...

"What's up?"I said

"Oh, were all fine, I hope that you are happy today."Phineas told me

"So, what you are doing today?"I asked

"Uhm, we want to travel around the world in just a flash, so maybe we could make a teleporter."Phineas told me

"Teleporter?"I asked

"Yes, it is like a portal that takes us into any portions of the world."Phineas told us

"So, Baljeet and Bufford gonna do the search for the coordinates, while Ferb and Isabella will build up the portal, and while Me and (Y/N) will check the material that we needed and also help with tge building of the device."Phineas told us

I'm gonna work with Phineas!!

Please be good to me, Love, I just want to enjoy this time with Phineas.

While we are working on the machine..

"Hey, where's Perry?"Ferb asked

Finally, Ferb talked, he's really so cute when he talks.

Because were done building the outline of the machine, we're just chilling out and wait for Bufford and Baljeet to finish the coordinates for the portal.

After a few minutes..

"Finally!"Phineas smiled

We are now gonna travel around the world in just a flash.

"So, ladies first, (Y/N), what place you want to visit?"Phineas said

"Uhm, maybe my home, I want to visit my lovely home just for a while."I told him

"Baljeet, do the honors."

And Baljeet put the coordinates to my home.

Just for a while, maybe I can see my friends in there..

And the portal is ready.

"Let's go."I walked first to the portal

And I finally stepped inside the portal.

"Guys?"I finally arrived at my home

"Wow, great house, I love to visit here once a year."Baljeet said

"This is our home guys, I hope you like it."I told them

"(Y/N)?"Isabella called me

"What?"I answered

"There's some note here, I think it is for you."She told me

"What is it?"I read the note

Suddenly, I cried so hard because of what the note says.

I ran outside and continue to cry..


The portal suddenly appeared and I accidentally sucked inside the portal.

Phineas' POV

The portal suddenly appeared in the middle of the road.

Did someone use the portal?

We tried to chase her but suddenly it disappears.

Your POV

After the portal sucked me in, I suddenly land on the place full of pine trees..

"Where am I?"

A Place full of Pine Tress?

What is this place?


Thanks to: _bloopitybloop for the new cover

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