Easter in The Bering

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I tiredly fell into my seat on the bench. The weather has been shit this season. Due to the bad weather we have been working twice as hard and twice as long. I haven't slept in three days except for a good thirty minutes here and there.

I got up before the crew sat down to make a pot of coffee, knowing we all need it, including Sig. I heard a soft groan as our captain comes to the bottom of the stairs. He looks like he's been through hell and back. His hairs a mess, eyes wild from the lack of sleep, and a yawn playing at his lips.

"Oh good, coffee!" He chanted excitedly and he stumbled over to me and the cup I just poured for him. "Thank you Nicole" he half smiled and walked to sit next to the rest of the crew.

I chuckled and poured several more glasses for the rest of the crew, knowing what they each like, I add their preferred additives. I grab three mugs in each hand as I carry them over.

I set them on the table and pass them to each crew member. "Thanks Nicole" they muttered tiredly in unison. Sig moved over slightly on the bench, making room for me on the bench. I smile and take a seat, taking a healthy swing from my mug.

We sat in silence, each attempted not to doze off. I too, felt my eyes so heavy that I took a micro nap. That was until Sig spoke up, jolting each of us out of our micro naps. "Edgar, will you still be good enough to cook our Easter dinner?"

His words completely snapped me out of my state. I completely forgot about mine and Edgar's competition. Edgar's deep chuckle filled the Gally as a smirk found its way to his lips.

"I'm going to make you all the best Easter meal you've ever had." I rolled my eyes chuckling. Edgar looked over at me with a questioning smirk. "What?" "You're going down Hansen." "Is that a promise, Heinrich?" "Absolutely."


I stood next to Edgar as he cooked, watching his methods. "I have to say Edgar, I'm impressed." He chuckled and looked down at me "whys that?" "Well judging by the way you cook, you find enjoyment in it. Not only that, but your mixture of spices in very elegant."

I caught myself and laughed "well, as elegant as you can get for being out at sea." He laughed along with me for a moment before be both died down. "Y'know, I'm glad you're apart of our crew Nicole."

His words caught me by surprise, I've never take Edgar as the sharing type, and I've been working by his side for nearly three years now.

"I've grown on you as well Edgar, especially since the attitude I got from you when I first started." I chuckled.

He paused for a moment before his eyes shown the realization of what I was talking about. "Yeah, I was honestly a little angry with Sig for bringing another woman on board. Mandy really isn't all that great, so when he brought you along I didn't want another woman dragging us down. I'm glad Sig did it though, you've proven to be just as much as a fisherman as any of us."

He looked down at me and smiled, which I gladly returned. "Wow Edgar, I never took you as the sharing type." He laughed and shrugged his shoulders slightly "guess that's what happens when you're out at see with a female with three years."


I stared down at the meal that Edgar as prepared for us with awe. It smells absolutely fantastic. Everything is very well put together.

Fried cod doused in Edgar's "family sauce" along with fried rice, couscous. Very well prepared indeed.

"It smells delicious" Sig piped up, looking down at his food hastily. I nodded my head in agreement, as did Nick and the rest of the crew.

Edgar chuckled and slid into the booth next to me with his plate. He clasped his hands together "dig in!"

I didn't waste a moment, I snatched my fork up and took a bite of the Cod. I have to give it to him, it's absolutely delicious.

It wasn't long before each of us were full and leaning back in the booth. "So what did you guys think" "absolutely astonishing" I muttered tiredly. The crew didn't say a word, they just gave a nod in agreement.

"Alright crew, let's get some sleep. Edgar, Nicole, Greenhorn, that mean you three as well." Sig said getting up from his seat and going to his room. I knew exactly what Sig meant. Either the greenhorn, Edgar, or myself would stay up and clean up a bit before we get sleep.

The crew scattered and soon disappeared into their quarters. The only ones remaining are me, Edgar, and Nick. "Do guys want me to help clean up?" I shook my head and took his plate from him "get some sleep Nick, I've got this."
He smiled at me and gave me a pat on the shoulder "you're a great member of the crew."

He walked off and my made my way to the sink with an armful of dishes. I set them in quietly and began washing them. Behind me Edgar put away the food and wiped down the table.

About halfway through the dishes, Edgar came up beside me and and began rinsing the dishes. I shook my head and took them from him "go sleep Edgar, I can manage the rest."

"No, I'll help you finish." He took them back and I sighed. I finished washing the last of the dishes and drained the rest of the water. I dried my hands and switched the light off above the table. "Goodnight Edgar" I mumbled tiredly and I made my way to Edgar, Nick, Greenhorn, and I's shared quarters. Edgar nodded, giving me a half smile "goodnight Nicole."

I walked in and laid right in my cot, pulling the blankets over me. Not much longer after I laid down, Edgar came in and plopped down in his cot. I turned towards the wall and closed my eyes. It wasn't but seconds before the drift of sleep hit me, and I was out.

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