King Crab Season, and My Surprise

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I sigh as I climb onto the Corneilia Marie to help the crew rig their pots for king crab season. Its been exactly one week since my dinner with the Hansen family. I still remember Sigs mocking smile and the humor dancing about his eyes. I knew that he would be humored when he found out my reason for being in Dutch Harbor. I now know that my possiblities of getting a position as a deckhand on a crab boat is now one in a million. I've recently been spending time with Jake Harris, co-owner of the Corneilia Marie. He has been trying to convince his brother , who took the captains job after his father, Phil Harris, passed away in 2010, to let me take over as greenhorn. But his brother hasn't budged an inch, his brother claims to be under a large amount of stress. But when working on a crab boat with a job like this, it is to be expected. I look up and glance over at the Northwestern crew, who is also rigging their pots for the season. I cring as the eyes of Sig collide with mine. He waves slightly flashing me a small smile. I nod, not wanting to return the smile. Still, the mockery in his eyes burn through me, causing humiliation to rise in my cheeks, turning them red. I turn away from the Northwestern only to bump into Jake, who nearly drops the empty bait jars. "Sorry Jake" "it's alright Nicole" I nod and turn away from him but he gently grabs my arm " are you alright? You seem tense, stressed, upset, am I close?" I look down and sigh "yes your right, about all of those things actually". Jake frowns gives me a slight hug " we have to go, thanks for your help. I'll see you when I get back" "you're welcome Jake, I'll be here, obviously" I smile playfully as he chuckles letting go of me. I climb off of the boat and onto the docks, Jake runs up to the helm and blows the horn, he smiles and waves as they pull away from the dock. I smile to myself and start walking past the two remaining boats at the dock, the Northwestern and the Wizard. I pull my hood up to keep the cold wind from my face, which feels frozen already. I have always enjoyed the cold, even the coldest of the cold makes me feel happy. There always has been something about cold weather that has made me feel fresh and alive. I snap back to reality when I hear a male voice call my name from behind me. I spin on my heal to face the figure inching toward me, Sig. "Hello Sig, can I help you with something?" "Yes we need extra assistance rigging our last few pots so we can finally leave port" I heave a sigh and nod meeting his eyes "very well". I follow Sig back to the boat and I climb aboard "Nicole!" Mandy leaps at me and hugs me. I laugh at her and she let's go of me and nearly falls. "Walk much? " " only during Opillio Season!" We both laugh at this, Opillio season is the iciest season, walking on a icy swaying deck is hard. "What are you doing here?" "Your father asked me to help rig pots" Mandy looked at me slightly confused "but all of our pots are rigged already." I blink in confusion, Sig approaches me moment later " Welcome to the Northwestern".

Deadliest Catch: My Shot On The Northwestern #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now