Dinner With The Hansens

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I smiled wide as Mandy ushered me into her fathers house. We slid off our shoes and placed out coats in the rack. This is the first time I have ever step foot in the Hansen household.

Mandy and I have been best friends for a year now, but she has always been weary about bringing me around her parents.

Though this will not be the first time I meet Sig Hansen, I am still giddy with joy. I set my shoes aside and looked up as a set of footsteps grew closer.

Mandy smiled wide as Sig approached us "Hi Dad!" Mandy embraced Sig in a tight hug "I've missed you." "I've missed you too Mandy."

Sig looked up and met my gaze "you're Nicole right?" "Yes sir, I work on the processor in Dutch Harbor."

"I knew you looked familiar" he smiled. Mandy motioned me to follow her as she walked up the steps the entertainment room. "Dad wheres mom?" "She went to the store" "Oh okay, we will be down in a few minuets."

Sig nodded and we headed to the entertainment room, Mandy sinking into the love seat. "I'm surprised dad was so cool, usually he's super weird when I bring friends to the house when I visit."

"I'm surprised as well, I wasn't expecting your father to be so loose. He always seems to tense when I see him at the processor."

I jump as Sig's deep voiced echoed throughout the hollow home. "Ladies, supper is ready!" Mandy and I nod, making our way out of the room and into the kitchen.

Mandy's mum is sitting at the dinner table along with Sig. I approach the table hesitantly, not wanting to feel too awkward.

"Mom, this is Nicole." Mandy said jabbing her thumb in my direction. I stood along with Mandy's mum, shaking her hand firmly.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Mrs. Hansen."

"Its nice to meet you as well, Nicole."

After the moment passed we all make our plates and pray before we begin eating our meal. After Sig said the prayer we began to eat, which was delicious.

Sig looked at me, speaking mid chew. "So Nicole, how long have you been working on the processer?" "One year now, I moved to Dutch Harbor after I graduated from high school" "where did you move from?" "A small town named Viburnum in Missouri". "That's quite a distance from Dutch Harbor, what caused you to come here?". I smiled to myself for a moment before I started to speak "I started watching Deadliest Catch when I was eight years old, it wasn't until I was tweleve when I realized that I wanted to work on a crab boat, ever since then I have saved up money so I could move to Dutch Harbor" "if that's the story then why are you working on a processer?" "Because unfortunatly I haven't been able to apply for any greenhorn or deckhand jobs on any boats. All positions are filled on most boats" Sig flashed me a warm smile before he took a bite of his meal "that's unfortunate, I'm sorry to hear that". I glanced over at Mandy who was swapping gazes with her father.I looked down and sighed "please excuse me, I'm going to step outside" "very well" Mrs. Hansen said gently noticing my slight tension. I stood up and walked out of the dining room, I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed. I walked out the front door, wrapping my coat around me. I sat on the pourch and stared up at the night sky as the a light snow covers the landscape in front of me. I jump slightly as I hear the front door creak open, I glance over my shoulder as Mandy steps outside. "Nicole are you alright?" "Yes I am, you know how my dissapointment of not reciveing a job on a boat yet bothers me" "ah yes, I'm sorry about that" "it is ok". Mandy smiled slightly and sat next to me "do you want to leave?" I glanced over at her " I don't want to pull you away from spending time with your parents" "its okay, King Crab season is starting soon, I'll be stuck on a boat for two weeks with my dad" she chuckled, as did i . "In that case, then yes I would like to leave." "Okay, I'll let my parents know" "okay". Mandy stood up and walked inside, I stood up and followed her. I opened the front door and grabbed my shoes and purse. I look up as Sig and Mandy walk out " It was nice seeing you again Nicole" Sig managed a slight smile "as it was you Mr.Hansen". Sig raised his hand halfway "please,call me Sig" I nodded "alright,Sig". He smiled and stepped on the pourch as Mandy and I drove off in my car. My dissapointment follows.

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