Chapter 7

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The next day..
You wake up early today just thinking of the date (not really a date 😅) you will have with Mark later. You take your shower while humming some song. After done showering, you open your closet, searching for the right outfit for the hangout. You choose a white shirt with a smiley face at the middle of it and a pair of red skinny jean. Just a simple one. You wear it. You just let your hair down and put a light makeup on your face. After that, you choose your shoe. You choose a pair of red converse high (a/n: Yeah, I'm really into red if you guys wanna know. 😊)
"Kids!" You called your dogs.
Suddenly, they came out of nowhere. "I'm gonna go out. Be good okay?" You said to them. After that you went out. It was 10 a.m that time. There was still 2 hours before your hangout with Mark. Its still early but you just want to walk around at the park near your house.

At the park..
You walk around until you see an ice-cream stall. When you get there, you are about to say something to the old man in front of you when you heard a crying voice near you. You see a little girl crying near you. You shrink down at the same height as the little girl and ask her,
"Are you lost?" She just nod her head as an answer and said
"I lost my oppa when I was running around the park," she is still crying. "Awww.. Don't cry, it will ruin your cute face," you said. She is still crying. "Can you tell unnie your name?" You ask her. "Hyojoo," she answer. "Well, if unnie buy cute Hyojoo an ice-cream, will cute Hyojoo stop crying?" You ask her again and as you said ice-cream she stop crying while nodding her head in bewilderment.

You just laugh at her and ask her again, "Well what flavor do cute Hyojoo want?"
"Choco!" She answer, directly. You get up from your position after that.
"Ahjusshi, can you give me one choco and one vanilla ice-cream," you said to the old man in front of you who just smiling at you and then nod his head. After you got the ice-cream, you give the choco flavor to Hyojoo and hold yours. You paid the ice-cream after that and said thanks to the old man. You hold Hyojoo's hand and bring her to one of bench at the park and sit there.

"Thank you, unnie," Hyojoo said.
"No problem," you answered.
"Unnie, you are so beautiful," Hyojoo said.
"Thank yoy Hyojoo-ah, you're so cute too. How old are you, Hyojoo?" You asked her.
"6 years old," she answered.
"After we finish the ice-cream, we're gonna search for your oppa, arasseo?" You said. She just nod her head while you just smiled at her cuteness.

After the two of you done eating the ice-cream, the two of you start searching for Hyojoo's oppa. You walk around the park while holding Hyojoo's hand, just in case she get lost again. You look at your watch around your wrist, there still 1 hour before your hangout with Mark at the cafe.
"Hyojoo!" Someone call Hyojoo's name.
"Okay, I know this voice," you thought. You and Hyojoo turns around, there you saw V running.
"Oppa!" Hyojoo answered back while waving her hand at him. When V arrived at the front of you two, Hyojoo hug him. V just hugs her back.
"Oh, hi Haera," he greet you.
"You know this beautiful unnie, oppa?" Hyojoo ask V. You're blushing when you hear Hyojoo said beautiful to you.
"Umm.. Yes. What do you do with her, Hyojoo?" V ask Hyojoo back.
"Unnie bought me ice-cream just now and then we were searching for you, oppa," Hyojoo explains everything to V.
"Well, thank you Haera, for looking after my cousin," V said to you.
"No problem," you said back.
"You should thank her too, Hyojoo," he said to Hyojoo.
"Thank you beautiful unnie," she said to you, walking with V, holding hand while her other hand is waving at you. You just waved back before walk to cafe to meet Mark.

At the cafe..
You come earlier than Mark. You enjoying your *drink* (insert your favorite drink) while waiting for Mark.
"Haera, sorry I'm late," someone said to you. You look at that someone and see Mark standing beside your table.
"I's okay. Who is that by the way?" You said while asking him the one that standing behind him.
"Oh, this is Jackson. One of GOT7's members," he said while sitting down at one of the seat. Jackson also do the same thing.
"I'm Haera," you said while smiling.
"Jackson, nice meeting you," he said to you, also smiling.
"Do the two of you want to drink anything?" you ask them. "I can get it for both of you, my treat since I am the one that invite Mark," you said again.
"Oh no need, we can just pay it for ourself," Mark said.
"I'll treat you two anyway," you said.

After that, you and Mark started to argue on who will buy the drinks until Jackson get annoyed by it.
"Why are you two arguing just because of this thing?" He asked you two. Mark and you stop saying anything when Jackson said that.
"I'll just pay for it. No more fight," Jackson said before he left you two to buy Mark's and his drink. The two of you just sit there speechless when suddenly, both of you burst into laughter.
After a few minutes, Jackson come back with two drinks. He give one to Mark and enjoyed his drink.
"So what should we do after this?" You asked both of them.
"Lets play some rides at the amusement park," Mark suggested.
"I'm on with that," Jackson said.
"Okay," you said while nodding at the two of them before leaving the cafe. The three of you walk to the amusement park. The three of you were talking while walking until the three of you arrived at the front gate of the amusement park.

From the real author:
Hello.~~~ I'm back!
Dear readers,
I'm sorry causeI'm not updating new chapters for a while. I'm just so lazy to do it. Hope you understand.
(^ Funny! - Rabbit. 😂)

And for the next chapter, wait for it but please don't expect anything. 😊
(^ and again Funny! LOL! - Rabbit.) 😂

Peace Out! ✌🏻️😂

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