Chapter 10

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A/n: so in this chapter i'll try to make haera and v point of view. i don't know how but i'll try.

v's p.o.v

basically, i followed them everywhere they played, with hyojoo holding my hand. still no sign of sweet moments. that's better. a good girlfriend like her will never meet someone else, right?? ﴾a/n: she's not your girlfriend....﴿ whatever. they stopped their track, me too. it seems like jackson want to leave the two of them. wait, what?? leave?? the two of them?? ﴾a/n:ummmm....yes??﴿ no!! how could you jackson!!! don't you dare leave them alone!!! but what can i do. it's not like they'll hear me anyway and with that jackson's leaving.......

haera's p.o.v

we played everything, like really everything. it was fun and more fun i played it with mark... ﴾a/n: you forgot about jackson﴿ i don't care about him actually but i kind of glad he's here.. well.... he made it less awkward between us but then, "umm... guys, i forgot about something, i think i need to leave you two alone now," jackson said. no!!! i need you here.... i don't wanna stayed here if it will be awkward. dissappointedly, "go ahead, it seems like that 'something' was very important," mark said. "thanks mark, i'll leave now, see you two at school," jackson said, then leave. both of us look at jackson who's getting far away. when he was gone, it was like, silence........... like there's no sound at all. "well, i never knew it will be this awkward when jackson leave," mark said. "me too," i answered. *.............awkward...............* "umm.... let's go play some other rides," mark said. "umm okay.... can we go to the haunted house??" i asked him. "are you sure??" mark asked me. "yes, i never really go inside of that house, why not??" i said. "okay, let's go, i think that house you're saying about was at the back. we need to go back," he said. "ok, i'll follow you," you said. i followed him from behind.

v's p.o.v

they're turning around. they're turning around!! "hyojoo come here," i pulled hyojoo and hide around the corner. mark and haera just passed by us. "where are they going??" i asked. "well, oppa, i think they're going to that spooky house over there," hyojoo answered while pointed to 'that spooky house' she just said. "how did you know??" i asked her. "don't know," she said. we get out from our hiding spot and started to follow mark and haera again. the area was getting crowded with people. i hold hyojoo's hand tightly so she can't get lost. then, i saw something. something that can make me go crazy for a week. mark just hold haera's hand!!!!!

haera's p.o.v

"its getting crowded here," mark said. "yeah, i could get lost here," i said, chuckling. "here, so you can't get lost," he said while giving me his hand.not sure, i give my hand out but not hold his hand. he look at me weirdly this time. i guessed he can't wait it anymore so he hold my hand. i was shocked. "let's go. hold my hand tight so you can't get lost," he said. unconciously, i just nodded. am i, am i holding mark's hand?? ﴾a/n: yes you are﴿ we headed to the haunted house together, holding hands. now we're standing in front of the haunted house. now that i'm in front of it, i started to get scared by the sound of people screaming here and there inside that haunted house. "are you ready??" mark asked. "umm... yes?? i guessed??" i said, unsure. "you're not sure now?? aren't you're the one who want to go inside that house??" he said. "uummm yes but now i'm scared," i said, honestly. "are you giving up now??" he asked. i shook my head. "so let's go inside," he said. now i just followed him go inside that haunted house, still holding hands

v's p.o.v

"are they, are they really go inside that spooky house?? hyojoo, the beautiful unnie not go inside that spooky house, right??" i asked hyojoo who stand besid me. "that beautiful unnie went inside that spooky house, oppa. she's really brave," hyojoo answered. "let's go inside," i said. "no, oppa!! i'm scared of that spooky house. i heard, so many people screaming in there. my friends said there's ghost inside there," hyojoo said. "ghost??" my face went paler at that thing. "yes, oppa, ghost. i don't wanna meet a ghost," hyojoo said. "me too," i said. "then, tell oppa, how are we suppose to follow that beautiful unnie??" i asked her. "let's just wait for her inside that food court over there, oppa. i'm hungry anyway," she said. "alright, i'm hungry too and let's open these disguise," i said, a little bit disappointed that i can't follow haera and mark. most of that disappointed was, i don't know what haera and mark will do inside that spooky house. we went inside the food court, open our disguise and order some food while waiting for mark and haera come out from that spooky house

haera's p.o.v

when we came out of the house. "wow, that was fun!!" i said. "i wanna go inside again." "nonononono!!" mark said. "why?? you're scared??" i teased him. "no, i'm just hungry," he said. "but i think you're scared," i'm still teasing him. "no i'm not," he said. "are you sulking??" i asked him. "so what if i'm sulking??" he asked me. "you are??? hahahaha!!" i laughed. he left me alone. "mark where are you going?? wait for me!!" i ran to him and hold his hand. he was shocked. i look at him and he was blushing ﴾a/n: is that even possible for a guy??﴿. "why are you blushing??" i asked him. "umm... nothing," he said. "let's go to the food court," he said. "you're not sulking anymore??" i asked. he just shrugged it off. we went to the food court with me still holding hands. when both of us were inside the food court, i saw hyojoo and v were eating.

v's p.o.v

"oppa," hyojoo called me. "yes??" i asked while focusing at my food. "oppa, i think that beautiful unnie and a guy who i don't know was there," she said while pointing at haera. "where?!?!" i asked while look around. "v!!" mark called me. "i'm doomed," i thought.


a/n: so, how was it?? anyway i'm back after i don't know how many weeks. sorry for the wrong grammar, use of word or anything. i'm bored, so i update a new chapter. i don't know if it was good or well done but thanks for reading.

sorry, i didn't change the font size. I'm not feeling that well today.

Peace out! ✌🏻️😂

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