Chapter 9

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(V's point of view)

At the park..

"Oh my God, where is this kid?!?" I was panic. You must be wondering why, HYOJOO'S GONE!!! What should I do? Right now I was searching around the park but still no sign of Hyojoo. If mom know this...... I'll be dead by tonight!! Just kidding.
"Hyojoo!" I shout her name, don't care what people will think. I even asked anyone if they saw that kid. This is why I felt lazy today.... It was a sign..

1 hour passed.. Still no sign of Hyojoo. Now, I'm just sitting on one of the bench but still looking around. Then, I see this angle, just kidding, I'm just looking to this girl. She looks so familiar. "Isn't that Haera?" I asked myself. "It's her! But who's the other girl?" I squinted my eyes so I can see well and like destiny, that other girl was Hyojoo. "Oh thank God, she's safe," I thought. I ran to them, while calling Hyojoo's name, "Hyojoo!" They slowly turned around. "Oppa!" Hyojoo answered back while waving her hand at me. When I arrived in front of them, Hyojoo hug me. I just hug her back. "Oh, Hi, Heara," I greet Haera. "You know this beautiful unnie, oppa?" Hyojoo ask me. Haera's blushing when she hear Hyojoo said beautiful for her and I think that she wass so cute when she's blushing! Can I make her blush everyday? "Umm... Yes. What do you do with her, Hyojoo?" I ask Hyojoo back. "Unnie bought me ice-cream just now and then we were searching for you, oppa," Hyojoo explains everything to me. What a good girlfriend she is. (a/n: she's not your girlfriend. 😂).... yet. "Well, thank you Haera for looking after my cousin," I said to her. "No problem," she said back. "You should thank her too, Hyojoo," I said to Hyojoo. "Thank you beautiful unnie," she said to Haera, walking with me, holding hand while her other hand is waving to Haera. Haera just waved back before she walk away.

I stop. Hyojoo looke at me weirdly. "Do you wanna do something awesome?" I asked Hyojoo. "Umm.. What?" Hyojoo asked me. "Let's go and follow that beautiful unnie," I said. "Why must I follow her?" Hyojoo asked me curiously. "Cause oppa want to," I said. "No no oppa, its not a good thing. My teacher said....." Before she even finished her sentence, I pull her into this one shop. I bought a fake moustache, two sunglasses, a beanie, a mask and a cap. I put the beanie, the mask and the sunglass to Hyojoo and the other for me. I run out of the shop with Hyojoo still complaining about me following Haera. I walk around the park where I still see Haera slowly walking. I follow her. She went into this cafe. Enjoying her drink, while me and Hyojoo sitting two tables away behind her. It seems like she's waiting for someone.

Not longer after that.. "Haera, sorry I'm late," someone said to her. She look at that someone, me too and see Mark standing beside her table. "It's okay, who is that by the way?" I heard what she said while asking Mark the one that standing behind him. "Oh, this is Jackson. One of GOT7's members," he said while sitting down at one of the seat. Jackson also do the same thing. "I'm Haera," Haera said while smiling. No!! She's smiling at Jackson!!! "Jackson, nice meeting you," Jackson said to you, also smiling. Don't you dare smile at her!! "Do the two of you want to drink anything?" Haera ask them. "I can get it for both of you, my treat since I am the one that invite Mark," Haera said again. "Oh, no need, we can just pay it for ourselves," Mark said. "Nah, I'll treat you two anyway," Haera said. After that, Haera and Mark started to argue on who will buy the drinks until Jackson get annoyed by it, actually I am too. "Why are you two arguing just because of this thing?" Jackson asked Haera and Mark. "Yeah, why?" I even asked myself. Mark and Haera stop saying anything when Jackson said that. "I'll just pay for it. No more fight," Jackson said before he left to buy Mark's and his drinks. Haera and Mark just sit there speechless when suddenly, both of them burst into laughter. "Yah! How can you laugh like that when you're with him? And when me in front of you? When your boyfriend just sit two tables a way from you," I asked myself. Hyojoo who sit next to me quietly enjoying her drink. After a few minute, Jackson come back with two drinks. He give one to Mark and enjoyed his drink. "So what should we do after this," Haera asked both of them. "Lets play some rides at the amusement park," Mark suggested. "I'm on with that," Jackson said. "Okay," Haera said while nodding at the two of them before leaving the cafe. The three of them walk to the amusement park. The three of  them were talking while walking.

The three of then walk to the amusement park while talking with each other. While me here, being the 'good' oppa, a 'good' spy and show something 'good' to Hyojoo who is still complaining about this whole thing. Hyojoo, It's a 'good' thing. This thing will be useful for you in the future. You might search for me in the future just to say thank you for showing such a 'good' thing. Well, at least Haera still not realise I'm spying her. The three of them were still talking while walking until the three of them, including me and Hyojoo arrived at the front gate of the amusement park. They suddenly look around and I stop for a moment and started to talk with Hyojoo. I think they just shrug it off and seems like they really believe my act. After that I started to follow them again. Hyojoo still look at me weirdly but it looks cute for me. Wow!! I don't know that I'm a 'good' actor too.

Halloo~~ I'm bored so why not I update a new chapter? But sorry if it was boring or if it was good or bad or suck or not well done or whatever you guys prefer... 🙏🏻 Sorry for typo, wrong grammar and any other mistakes. 🙏🏻

Peace out! ✌🏻️😂

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