Chapter 2 :Symptoms

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Selena's POV

Two weeks, I have successfully avoided Justin for two weeks ,  I've seen him around but find an excuse to leave or keep my head down so he doesn't recognize me .

Since yesterday I've been puking my brains out , I can smell things I don't want to and just don't feel well in general , I call stomach bug . My mom let me stay home for two days but unfortunately I have to get up for school in a few minutes  .

"Mija time for school !" I groan , and hold in my whines  "okay" I call my voice cracking slightly ,  I get up and hop into the shower and all that jazz , then on to the bus I go .

"You look sick " Cassidy says , I nod in agreement  "I feel sick" I sniffle " my nose is clogged , my stomach feels odd and my head hurts " I groan " maybe you should go home Sel " Cassidy says "my mom's at work " I sigh "hey  guys !" Oh God Taylor go away , despite my thought I wave at her .

"Sup Blondie" Cassidy says "are you okay Selena ?" Taylor asks "do I look okay ?" I snap , where the hell did that come from ? " shit I'm sorry " I sigh "it's okay " Taylor says happily , how the hell is she always happy ?

"Babe !" I sigh when I see Harry and the group , twins included " let's go" I whisper to Cassidy "but Jason's coming " she squeals , sadly my best friend has a crush on one of the  "biggest players" of  Palmdale Hills High school , rumor is he toys with girls hearts , and spits them out like used gum .

I sigh and pull my phone out "I'm gonna call my dad" I say and walk away , I dial my dad's number and wait patiently for him to answer

"Hello ? " I roll my eyes and keep my groan in " good morning , Is my dad there ? I feel sick and need him to pick me up " I say polietly "he's at work , but I can pick you up ! " Angela offers excitedly "um sure, bye  " I say and hang up

"You're so funny Jason!" Cassidy squeals , I roll my eyes "I'm going home "I whisper in Cassidy's ear "okay hun feel better" she says and pulls me into a short hug "bye" I yawn throwing a little peace sign .


"So how you feeling ?" Angela asks "like shit" I sigh , she laughs "have you been throwing up ?" She asks , I nod "your stomach hurt ?" I nod looking at her oddly  "runny nose" I nod "can you smell things that are not even close to you ? " I nod "oh honey" she sighs "what ?" I ask worriedly "don't you know the symptoms ?" She asks "symptoms ?" I say confused "you're pregnant" she says.

My heart drops then I shake my head "what ? No I'm not " I say "I'm sorry Sweetheart but you are " she says I rub my temples " go to a pharmacy please " I say , he used  condoms right ?

Positive positive positive , how could I have been so stupid ? "What am I gonna do ?" I cry , Angela rubs my back "its gonna be okay honey" she says "I'm sixteen , I can't have a baby !  My mom's gonna kick me out , my dads not gonna want anything to do with me " I cry "I doubt Maria will kick you out , if she does she's a hypocrite , she had you at sixteen "Angela says  "what am I gonna do ?" I sob .

"You need to go to the doctors" Angela says , I sniffle "please don't tell them just yet " I say "it's not my place to tell them "Angela says , I hug her "thank you" I sigh "you're welcome , if you need someone to talk to call me " I nod "thank you " I sniffle .

I get home and go to my room , instantly crashing on my bed in deep thought .

What am I gonna do ? How am I gonna tell Justin ? Should I even tell him ? How am I gonna tell my parents ? What the fuck did I do  ?

"Mija time for school " I groan at the smell of eggs and bacon the familiar nausea occurs , I put a hand over my mouth and run to the toilet , this is going to be a long nine months , maybe  .

I hate taking the bus ; I can literally smell the sweat and perfume , apart each smell is bearable but together it's absolutely disgusting .

"Hey babes feel better ?" Cassidy asks I shrug "kinda" I lie "mmm , well bitch  guess what ?" She squeals "you met beyonce" I joke "I wish but no Jason McCann asked me to hangout " she says excitedly , I secretly roll my eyes , if this dude hurts her he'll have me and hell to deal with .

"Oh my god are you serious ?" I say not the least bit excited "Yes ! I'm so excited " she squeals " Wow yay !  , I roll my eyes again , this time she see's and pouts at my sarcasm .

A voice in my head is chanting warn her , warn her , but if I tell her I don't like Jason we'll start fighting and I refuse to possibly lose my best friend over some little supposedly fuck boy .

"Hey Selena " some cheerleader says "hi " I mumble resting my head on Cassidy's shoulder " you're still sick ?" Cassidy ask , I nod and close my eyes "you probably have the flu or something​ "she says pushing my hair out of my face "I wish " I mumble .

I enter my first period and roll my eyes at the sight of Jason McCann flirting with a group of girls , I walk over to my seat , sit down and rest my head on the desk as I wait for the teacher to come  .

"Hey " I lift my head off the desk " can I help you ?" I ask "I was just wondering if you wanna give me your number " Jason says winking at me , what a pig ! If he continues my fist will meet his face real soon .

"Are you even in this class ?" I ask " nah but Ms.Peterson loves me , so are you gonna give me your number ?" He asks  " thanks but no thanks " I say putting my head down again .

First period was slow but the rest of the day just kind of flew by without further issues , and fortunately I had no run ins with Justin .

I'm going out tonight , don't wait up.  Order a pizza if you're hungry , love you !

I sigh , I don't even know what to do at this point , my mom's never home , my dad sucks and the father of my child is probably balls deep in some girl .

What am I gonna do ?

Loneliness is a description of myself right now , I know teen pregnancy is not easy but I'm seriously considering the alternative but will I be able to go through with it ... ?

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