Chapter 5 :Nice to meet you

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Selena's POV

Its been a month and I haven't talked to Justin ,  I've seen him around but we never make eye contact , my mom is very supportive and happy about being a grandma .

I'm not showing much but I have a slight belly , Cassidy knows but she's won't tell anybody , she doesn't know Justin is the father , I'll never tell anybody who the father is . 

On a light note I get to see my baby today ! The first appointment was uncomfortable , they had to use a stick thing and put it in my private area but now I get to use the monitor with the blue gel "are you nervous mija ?" My mom asks , I nod "very" I admit .

"Selena !" Pattie says "Pattie hey !" I say and hug her "how you been sweetie ?" She asks "I've been good " I say "that's great well come on , our obstetricianist is out today so I'll be doing your ultra sound "she says , I smile "great " I say , my mom gets up and we follow Pattie .

"Okay so that's the head and theirs th-" she got cut off by the door opening "hey mom the-" he began I turn my head and my eyes widen "Justin ! I'm working " Pattie scolds mom ? Holy "shit sorry" Justin says and closes the door "sorry , kids " she says , I laugh nervously .

"So you're all set , here's a copy of your ultrasound and we need you to sign some paperwork out there for your next appointment " Pattie says , I nod "thank you so much " my mom says hugging Pattie "you're welcome"Pattie smiles and opens the door , I hop off the table and walk out of the room .

"What the hell did I tell you about doing that !" Pattie scolds , I avoid his gaze and continue to walk to the receptionist table "I got this " my mom smiles "Selena come here please  !" Pattie calls , shit , I plaster a fake smile and walk towards her and Justin .

ey " I say "this is my son the one I told you about "she says , I stick out my hand "nice to meet You "I say,  he looks at me confused "nice to meet you too " he says , I let go "Selena Maria Gomez vamonos ! " My mom calls , I pinch the bridge of my nose " Lord help me " I mumble "well it was nice to meet you Justin,  thank you again Pattie , I'll be seeing you soon" I say and walk away .

"When are you gonna tell your father ?" My mom's sighs "never "I mumble "Selena" she says giving me the look  "I know , I know , we'll do it soon " I sigh " well it's Friday what do you want to do ?" She asks , I shrug "I don't know there's nothing to do " I say "why don't you hang out with Cassidy " she suggests , I nod "sure why not ? " I say .

Me and Cassidy were watching a scary movie when somebody knocks on Cassidy's front door , we both let out a scream "Holy shit who is that ?" I say "I don't know" she shrugs and walks towards the door "OH MY GOD ! it's Jason and Justin , I'm gonna go change " she says and runs upstairs I'm in a blue Jersey and some shorts my hairs tucked behind my ears I guess I look decent .

I open the door and smile at the duo "Selena ?"Jason says "hi" I say "umm hi , is Cassidy here ?" He says , I nod "she's changing " I say "oh okay " he says .

Soon Cassidy comes downstairs "h-hey Jason " she stutters , I scrunch my eyebrows together and smile , while she narrows her eyes at me "well I was wondering if you'd like to go to a party with us "Jason says "Um I can't , I'm hanging out with Selena " she says "she can come " he suggests "Oh no she can't , she's p-" I cover her mouth "Sick , I'm sick " I say fake coughing , while glaring at Cassidy  " but she can go , I'll just walk home I don't live far from here " I add and move my hand from her mouth smacking her in the back of the head "he- owww!" She whines , Jason shoots us an amused smile and Justin just looks at the floor .

"No way , we'll give you a ride " Jason says , at this Justin's head snaps up " oh no its okay , I'll be fine " I say "no really I insist " Jason says , wow he's kinda sweet , I sigh "yeah okay "I say "well I'm not going like this , I need some time !" Cassidy says "Jesus Christ " Jason mumbles "you look beautiful" he says to Cassidy "liar I'll be back in twenty " she says , I roll my eyes .

There's an awkward silence while we wait for Cassidy "I'm gonna go see what's taking her so long "Jason stands,  fuck no ! I'm not gonna be left alone with Justin fuck no ! " No ! " I shout , both Justin and Jason are looking at me now and I blush " I-I mean I got it " I say and stand up,  Jason's blue eyes flash confusion as I walk upstairs to see Cassidy coming out the door in a skin tight dress and her hair in pretty ringlets "you look beautiful" I smile "thanks" she says and we walk downstairs .

The car ride was awkward and quiet ,. Cassidy kept trying to strike up a conversation but nobody was having it .

"I'm home !" I call "In the kitchen !" My mom calls I walk into the kitchen and see both my parents my Dad has some papers in front of him .

"Hey dad " I say , he glares at me "hey dad ? You're pregnant and that's the only thing you say ' hey dad ' !" He shouts "Edward !" My mom scolds "Calate Maria !" He shouts "You're sixteen ! Sixteen you think you're old enough to be having sex!  having a baby ! That babies a fucking disgrace like you " He says getting in my face , I step back "you don't even care about me so why are you here !?" I shout back "I don't care about you ? You're my daughter !" He shouts angrily " well you sure don't act like it !" I snap " how could this mistake happen again ? Huh ?" He says "mistake ?" I say "you were a mistake " he shouts , I feel a sharp sting on my face and I fall to the floor sobbing .

"Get out ! Get out of my house you son of a bitch and don't you ever come back " My mom shouts "Selena I'm so-" he begins "go ! Get out of here " my mom shouts , he sighs and walks away , my mom picks me up "you weren't a mistake baby , you were the best thing that ever happened to me " my mom says , I cry .

All weekend I stayed in my room , my face now had a huge bruise no makeup could cover .

You were a mistake those words float around my head all weekend , it's all I can seem to remember ,  Cassidy keeps texting and calling but I ignore her along with everyone else .

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