Chapter 4 : Congratulations ?

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Selena's POV

I decided to tell Justin , he has a right to know right ? I mean I can't keep this from him forever right ? So today during lunch I'm going to tell him to come to my place after school .

"Sel you okay ? You seem nervous" Cassidy says , I shrug "I'm fine" I lie ,  I'm freaking out , I can't do this.  Yes you can you have to ! No I don't ! Ay Dios mio "oh look Jasons coming " Cassidy squeals , I groan quietly . Fuck my life .

After a few minutes I make my decision  "Justin can I talk to you ?  " I say , he looks at me confused and nods , I stand up , walk to the hallway not even knowing if he's following me and check the hallway , luckily  the coast is clear.

"What's up ?" Justin asks "I need to tell you something but not here , it's like really important . Are you busy after school ?" I ask "no " he says "okay here's my address , meet me at mines after school it's really important " I say passing him the paper , I sigh then walk back to the table .

I walk fast to my house , I want to get there before Justin does . I throw my hair into a messy bun and walk faster .

Good he's not here , I run up to my room and look in the mirror , I look decent considering my situation .

Ding dong ! Shit he's here , I walk downstairs slowly , as I reach the door I breath in and out , I open the door and smile "hi" I say , he smiles back  "hi" I step aside so he can come in , he walks in and looks around "nice place " he says "thanks " I say "you thirsty ? Hungry ?" I ask "I'll take some water "he says ,I nod and walk to the kitchen I look around for the stool "shit" I curse I can't find it

"everything alright ?" He asks I laugh embarrassed "this is embarrassing but I can't find my stool " I say scratching my neck nervously "stool ? " He asks "I can't reach the cups " I admit , he laughs "I'm sorry , I'm sorry " he says laughing "shut up" I whine "it's okay , I got it " he says and grabs a cup laughing "stop" I whine putting water in the cup .

Once we settle in to the living room we stay silent for a few minutes , I sigh rubbing my face " look just so you know if you want to go after ,I understand a hundred percent " I say "you're kinda scaring me here " he says "You should be scared I'm scared " I mumble  .

"I'm pregnant" I say , finally dropping the bomb  "congratulations ? " He says "it's yours " I say , looking at the floor "it's mine ? didn't I ... but we .....I oh shit !" He says and stands up pacing "are you sure it's mine ?" He asks "you're the only person I've been with" I snap "wasn't it your second time ?" He says " that was a year ago " I roll my eyes "look I'm too young to be a dad " he says , I feel tears brim my eyes "I told you I'd understand " I whisper sadly,  putting my head in my hands "I-I'm sorry " he says , I hear footsteps then the door opening and closing .

  I sob silently then stop my self pitty parade " we don't need him , I love you and I'll be whatever you want " I say rubbing my flat stomach .

"Selena I'm home !" My mother calls I sigh , nows my shining moment I'm going to tell her and possibly get kicked out of my house .

I sigh , slowly walking downstairs "we need to talk " I say and sit down in the chair across from hers "what's wrong ?" She asks , everything "I'm pregnant" I say , she gasps "Selena this isn't funny " she says "I'm not laughing " I say then she's quiet .

"Seriously is this about me and your father ? You think if you're pregnant he'll move back in and we'll get back together or something ? " She scolds "not everything is about you !" I snap "you're in no position to be using that tone !" she shouts , tears running down her face .

"Look I'm pregnant this isn't a joke ,  I want to keep it , I want to keep my baby " I cry "but you're still a baby " she cries "you can't have a baby , you're still my baby , look at you !  you're too small to push a baby out !  You still use a stool to get a cup for Christ sakes ! " now she's full on sobbing .

"I'm sorry " I cry "ay Mija what are we gonna do ?" She cries "I don't know but I can't do this alone " I sniffle "who's the father ?" She sniffles "he's nobody " I say "have you told him ?" She asks , I nod "he wants nothing to do with it " I sniffle "then we'll do it , me and you " she says , I smile "you'll help me ? " I say "Of course baby , I will never leave you alone " she says and hugs me "I love you " she kisses my cheek "I love you too momma" I cry .

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